New baby tiel fell to the floor again... crying in pain holding up wing...


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Oct 13, 2015
Palm Beach
Two Cockatiels: Rascal (Geraldine) and his baby brother named Coconut!
This is horrible... very upset the breeder cut my new baby tiel's wings so short he cannot even glide safely!! He fell earlier hit his wing so bad he was holding it up screeching in pain... now he got spooked by something and fell to the floor again!!

He is holding his right wing up screeching in pain. I;m very worried... do I rush him to vet tomorrow? I have app with vet on Thurs...

Has anyone had a tiel this young with similar injury? It is very obvious he is in pain! I feel horribe

I must keep him closed in the cage until his wings grow back. I have no other choice for his safety.


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Two Cockatiels: Rascal (Geraldine) and his baby brother named Coconut!
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omg past few minutes were nerve racking... now he is preening... he also stretched both wings but you can tell they are sore. Him preening is a good sign???

I'm calling the vet asap in the morning and will tell them I must be seen that day... when he preens his right wing he screeches in pain. I don't think it could be broken?

He fell when he was sitting on my shoulder while I was sitting down in my chair so he didn't fall long distance... so now I can't even have him on my shoulder anymore :(

He drops to floor like a rock. I could just SHOOT the idiot who would do this to a bird (cutting wings off so much bird just drops!). He is going to have to stay in cage until wings grow back so he can at least glide safely to the floor.... I don't know how long that will be though.... I hope it won't be more than a month! I LOVE this little bird.. all I care is he is ok.
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Jan 14, 2015
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Tropical my tiel came to me the same way. I kept him with me on my bed or on the floor.

It is possible that when the wings grow back your baby may not know how to fly. Even though I was told he was allowed to learn to fly he couldn't.

He finally learned. It was nerve racking though and he lost one tail feather so many times it never came back. If I could do it over I would have kept him in a smaller room till he learned to fly well


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Dec 22, 2011
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If he is acting like he is in pain then I would get him to the vet as soon as possible. Is he doing the annoying baby screeching for food at all?

Always request not to have a clip done in baby birds besides I have found breeders tend to overdue a clip anyway. Baby birds haven't finished developing chest muscles or coordination. Usually at least a year before clipping is best for them developmentally. If I had bookmarked the articles on this I would link them but it's been awhile since I read them.

Anyway I hope he is alright! Since he seems clumsy I would keep all perches low in the cage with something soft on the bottom in case he falls over after climbing around on the bars or some such.
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Two Cockatiels: Rascal (Geraldine) and his baby brother named Coconut!
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Rascal my other tiel was clipped heavy when I got him and thankfully he learned to fly without much trouble.. or perhaps I don't recall was almost 4 yes,ago, yikes..

The baby tiel Coconut started preening both wings.. he also stretched both left wing and right wing and he stretched both wings upwards... so that most ge a Very good sign???

He is definitely a very clumsy baby for sure... but I HOPE the fact he was just preening is great sign?? I felt his chest and keel bone and it is not bothering him... he must have slammed his wings into the tile?

It's sad now I will have to take major precautions I wish I could remember how long it took Rascal to grow in some flight feathers :(

Edit: he doesn't cry for food but you can tell his wing is not 100% unsore.
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RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
I am sorry you are having so much stress with Coconut. Best to bring him to the vet tomorrow if at all possible. Vets usually have "emergency" slots, though they will triage to determine whether the situation is an emergency.


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Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
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And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Yes indeed,get coconut to the vet asap. He wont get new feathers til he molts,and I was told that could be 4 to 6 months!:eek:

I guess I am lucky with BB..the breeder clipped him but not awfully short. He can sit on the floor and wave his arms fast and get airborne about a foot high but that's it. I does make short flights from my shoulder to the computer desk,even from the couch to the floor,without falling like a rock.

BB,Amy,and I,are praying 'nut is ok!



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Baby tiel looks much better this morning.. he honestly looks fine... is stretching, preening... and is thrashing in the cage trying to get out to me. I am calling the vet soon as they open though to ask if I can come in... but if he was super injured... I think he wouldn't be so active as he is right now? It looked super scary the way he was screeching in pain yesterday walking around holding his wing up crying...

I'm going to buy a stool to put his cage on so the cage is only one foot off the ground... then buying a cushion so I can sit on the floor and have him sit on my shoulder because he is going crazy locked in the cage trashing about... I think it would be safe to have him sit on my shoulder if I'm sitting on the floor?

He fell 3 times yesterday... slipped off the cage... so I put him on less slippery cage... slipped again! Then I put him on my shoulder while I was sitting in office chair... something startled him and he slipped or jumped off actually dropping straight to the tile!! That is when he really hurt his wing.

I work form home on the computer all day... I have my office in the living room lol

I can sit on the floor and work from my laptop until his wings grow back.... cage always right next to me otherwise he jumps off to come to me. Very upset the breeder cut his wings this short!!!


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Aug 11, 2014
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Breeders do this I don't know why! Nigel came the same way, took him time to learn his boundaries. He's now pretty good about not pushing the envelope with too much unreasonable flying. He still tries on occasion but knows better where and when to try. What a case of nerves I was but I kept him close to me the first few weeks. He's just fine now. Waiting for his feathers!


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I personally wouldnt purchase from a breeder who clipped wings...there should be no necessity for wings being clipped at all as far as Im concerned...I know its an issue where people take one side or another and are firm believers on which ever side of the argument thry are on; whether to clip or not to clip but really one has only to read this thread to know that no young bird should be put through this, and Tropical you are so lucky because my first wing clipped (and only wing clipped) baby bird died due to a fall where he broke his neck hence my hatred of clipped wings on birds advice to you Tropical is to place a Duvet on the floor or some quilts and give your bird a soft spot to land on just in case, as well as taking the other precautions you are talking about like placing the cage lower near the floor and you sitting on the floor...the same when this baby bird grows his feathers because he will have to learn to fly and that also can end in crash landings so my advice would be lots of soft quilts and duvets on the floor...give him a soft landing and ensure his safety...Im glad he seems better todayand hopefully the vet will find that no injury was done other than a painful bruise or bump...pad the floor and your desk and especoally the floor around your desk with a ladder from floor to the desk to help him get back up. Hope all goes well at the vet.


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I personally wouldnt purchase from a breeder who clipped wings...there should be no necessity for wings being clipped at all as far as Im concerned...I know its an issue where people take one side or another and are firm believers on which ever side of the argument thry are on; whether to clip or not to clip but really one has only to read this thread to know that no young bird should be put through this, and Tropical you are so lucky because my first wing clipped (and only wing clipped) baby bird died due to a fall where he broke his neck hence my hatred of clipped wings on birds advice to you Tropical is to place a Duvet on the floor or some quilts and give your bird a soft spot to land on just in case, as well as taking the other precautions you are talking about like placing the cage lower near the floor and you sitting on the floor...the same when this baby bird grows his feathers because he will have to learn to fly and that also can end in crash landings so my advice would be lots of soft quilts and duvets on the floor...give him a soft landing and ensure his safety...Im glad he seems better todayand hopefully the vet will find that no injury was done other than a painful bruise or bump...pad the floor and your desk and especoally the floor around your desk with a ladder from floor to the desk to help him get back up. Hope all goes well at the vet.

I agree with you 100%. I don't know how long it will take for his flight feathers to start to grow in? The avian vet is not working today at the clinic unfortunately and he seems perfectly fine thank goodness! He is not acting like he is in pain at all... he is being very active and playing as normal... vet will see him this Thurs.

I went and got a small stool to sit on...also placed his cage much lower to the ground and padded the area... I HOPE this will prevent him from injuring himself. I am keeping inside the cage more but he was going BALLISTIC... so I let him out a little to just sit on top of the cage which is now very low to the ground.
I am not allowing him on my shoulder unless I am sitting on the floor... this is nerve racking though... I am HOPING it won't be too much longer until his flight feathers start growing :(

Below is pic of how I have it now.... if you think I should make any changes please let me know... thanks
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I am mortified. EXTREMELY upset... I am not going to be able to allow him out of the cage at all!!!! He started flapping his wings like crazy and jumped onto the garbage can!

HORRIBLE. This is massive accident waiting to happen. This very sad but he is not going to be able to come out at all.... he just had another close call if he had not landed onto the garbage can he would have slammed into the tile again I am extremely upset!!!

HORRIBLE SCUM who would do this to a bird!! I am livid.

He is thrashing in cage does not understand why he cannot come out anymore.


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He will calm down. When Nigel was weirding out at first like this, I halfway covered the cage until he calmed down. I also moved him into a small room so he couldn't crash when I took him out. In a couple of weeks he totally changed, but I worked hard with him.


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You need alot more padding on the floor and even if you could do what LeaKP suggested and put the cage in a smaller room and place some quilts or duvets on the floor of that room and Im talking about covering most of the floor or as much as possible of it with soft filled duvets so that even as the wings get their new feathers he will be able to practice take offs and landings without fear of him injuring himself...maybe you could work on your laptop in a bedroom or smaller room for a while with him during the day for this period until he gets new feathers and learns to fly keep such an affectionate cockatiel locked in a cage for that length is not going to work it would just break his heart ...remember what you put on the floor needs to be padded and soft for him to crash land on without hurting himself
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Soot, I don't have nay duvets of blankets.. I'm going to have to go and buy some ASAP

I have one spare bedroom which is completely empty (no furniture in it all all). I am going to move into that bedroom and cover the floors with thick duvet. Then I can sit on it like a bed and work on my laptop on the floor.

This is just horrible... I wish someone had an idea as to how long it is going to take for his flight feathers to start to grow in :(

2 months... 3 months? :(

I am going off to the store now to buy some duvets... he has been cooped up in cage entire day so far. He doesn't understand why... he is already so bonded to me.


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Jan 25, 2016
Mayo Ireland
Rodney Blue Fronted Amazon
RIP Mr Biggles White Fronted Amazon , Elsa and Little Nellow the Lutino Budgies, Lady Primrose a Pied Budgie and English Budgies Houdini Popeye and Olive
Buy the cheaper duvets Tropical...look out for bargains...the smaller room is s good idea


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Apr 14, 2015
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And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Soot, I don't have nay duvets of blankets.. I'm going to have to go and buy some ASAP

I have one spare bedroom which is completely empty (no furniture in it all all). I am going to move into that bedroom and cover the floors with thick duvet. Then I can sit on it like a bed and work on my laptop on the floor.

This is just horrible... I wish someone had an idea as to how long it is going to take for his flight feathers to start to grow in :(

2 months... 3 months? :(

I am going off to the store now to buy some duvets... he has been cooped up in cage entire day so far. He doesn't understand why... he is already so bonded to me.

I posted earlier..I was told by the breeder I got BB from,that it will take 4 to six months before he will molt and get his new set of clothes!



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Palm Beach
Two Cockatiels: Rascal (Geraldine) and his baby brother named Coconut!
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Soot, I don't have nay duvets of blankets.. I'm going to have to go and buy some ASAP

I have one spare bedroom which is completely empty (no furniture in it all all). I am going to move into that bedroom and cover the floors with thick duvet. Then I can sit on it like a bed and work on my laptop on the floor.

This is just horrible... I wish someone had an idea as to how long it is going to take for his flight feathers to start to grow in :(

2 months... 3 months? :(

I am going off to the store now to buy some duvets... he has been cooped up in cage entire day so far. He doesn't understand why... he is already so bonded to me.

I posted earlier..I was told by the breeder I got BB from,that it will take 4 to six months before he will molt and get his new set of clothes!


OMG!!! That is horrible... that is VERY long time! :eek: :( ... but he doesn't need his flight feathers to be full length... just enough so he can glide safely.... so maybe it won't take that long... guess I will find out...


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Two Cockatiels: Rascal (Geraldine) and his baby brother named Coconut!
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OMG. I just padded the entire room (a spare bedroom)... I used 4 king size comforters. I am now sitting safely on the floor inside the padded room with Coconut on my shoulder. I always knew I would end up in a padded room like a nutcase lol

Check out pics below.... Rascal actually flew over onto Coconut's cage when I wasn't looking... I wasn't going to introduce them for another week, oops.

They LOVE running on the soft fluffy comforter and playing on it as I sit on this floor working on my laptop.

I feel soooo much safer and better with Coconut now inside this padded room. This was a good idea. Hopefully it will keep him safe. He keeps flapping his wings rapidly sometimes because he is so cooped up he is trying to exercise his wings.... this also means his wings are fine now... they must not be in pain anymore or as much at least. Was very scary yesterday!

... looks like I'll be spending time in this padded room a LOT for next looooong time. :eek: :eek:
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