New behavior problem


New member
Dec 31, 2016
I'm a new member here, and was hoping to get some advice on my one year old jenday conure. She's been a sweet girl, and pretty well behaved. However, she has recently changed her demeanor a bit. She has become slightly aggressive towards my kids, particularly my youngest, who is 11. She now bites him if he puts his hand near her, although not real hard, just enough to hurt. She does this every time now. She bites me once in a while, too. Again, not hard, but definitely harder than her usual soft nibbling. She also swoops at both of my kids, but more so with my youngest. Sometimes she actually hits him in the head.

I'm fairly certain I know what's caused this change in her behavior. My husband just up and moved out one day, unexpectedly (long crazy story) three months ago, and the bird, my dog, and my cat have behaved a bit different since then. Mango has gotten increasingly both temperamental and clingy at the same time. She likes to land on me much more than she used to, whether I like it or not. In the last week or so, whenever my estranged husband is here, she absolutely refuses to stay off of him. The second he comes into the room, she is on him, no matter what he's doing. Funny thing is, she was never very attached to him. She tolerated him, and let him come close to her, but that's about it. She wouldn't go on his hand or let him pet her, and now she can't seem to get enough of him.

My question here is how can I get her to stop her aggressive behavior towards my kids? It isn't terrible, but enough to cause some problems. Nothing else has changed in her routine, other than the fact that my husband isn't here every day- although he comes here at least two days a week. He spent 5 nights here within a week just before and during Christmas (again, long and confusing story), and that seems to be when her behavior towards him changed. I'm not exactly a pro at bird training, so I was really hoping to get some useful advice.


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Whew, lots of issues going on here, Cari. She has to be strictly bite pressure trained ASAP, as you kids safety must be #1. That means a lot of time-outs, immediately when she bite too hard. I mean like right after, so she assocites the bite with the time out. If you cant , because she flys away, them trimming may be in order. Too hard a bite, say NO strongly and into the time out space within a count of 5 or less . Gently, but firmly.

There has been a change in your flock, and I m not sure what to here.
Best for the bird would be not to see your husband again, but thats cruel to your kids. Maybe put the bird in his cage , covered and in another room when he is there? Certainly the flock dynaamics have changed, and it will confuse your parrot if that is not steady. Sorry to hear about this at this time of the year, not an ideal situaltion for you all.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
I like Wrench's ideas. If real safety issues continue, ypu might even ant to consider a modest/temporary clip (did I really say that?)... that sometimes makes a bird more dependent and obedient.
Sorry to hear about all your goings-on. I hope 2017 is better for you than it sounds as if 2016 was!
I'm a bad one to give advice, since my Patagonian has bern terrorizing the house and flying amok for decades. But I'm Glad you found us.

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