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Hello I inadvertently became the smitten caretaker for a budgie about a month ago. I've never had a bird so everything is new. I have multiple questions under different topics so I hope it's okay if I post them here. As a background, birdie was in a very loving house but the owners didn't know about diet or nail clipping so he was in need of immediate attention. Once his nails were clipped I started introducing him to vegetables and fruits, as his only food was seed... mostly millet...(and he had been offered veggies but not regularly because he showed no interest). My first question is about diet. He now eats peas, carrots, walnuts and boiled egg. I decreased his seed (new-to-him organic fruit nut veggie seed blend which he goes nuts over) so he would try peas first, then added the others. I pushed quite a bit because he is molting and came to me with sore red feet due to lack of clipping. I thought his immune system probably needed immediate nutrition. Sometimes though he refuses to eat any of the fresh food so I end up giving him seed because I don't want him starving himself. He always gets seed after he eats the fresh food anyway. How much seed should he be getting? Right now he gets about 2 TBSP a day but goes through that quickly as he has his favorite bits and picks over the fruit/veggie bits in the mix. Do I keep giving him fresh seed if he hasn't eaten half of it? My second question is about aggression. He bites. Hard. Not beaking. He happily jumps on your hand and then turns into a sweet little flesh monster .. I've tried wearing cotton gloves, ignoring it, saying NO in a low growl, inadvertently yelling ow and shaking him off my hand... When he was with the other owner he bit but not flesh piercing like now. Is he not getting enough to eat? I never let him go without food...thank you for any advice you have. Also he is extra grumpy right now because he's been locked in his cage for three days.The HVAC went out and I'm afraid to let him out because of the space heaters. Any ideas for keeping him happy in a cramped cage...