New Family Member

I'm so sorry to hear about Eeyore, @MMARC234, you are SO right, it never does get any easier. That's a pretty rough situation with young Quibble too. Do you think you might give it another try with him or has the decision already been made?
It’s pretty much cut and dry with Quibble unfortunately. The breeder offered to show me some other birds, but I’ll just wait a bit. Later this month there’s supposed to be a local bird fair so I’ll probably try my luck and see if I catch someone’s eye.
Welcome. I think we all feel like happy godparents here...
You sound like a wonderfully responsible and outgoing parront.

And QUIBBLE is one of the best EVER parrot names!
Quakers are pretty opinionated so even though I’m sure it’s a bit heartbreaking for you, I think you’re making the right decision with this baby. Hopefully you are able to find a bird who wants to come home with you from the bird fair! ❤️
Got another update late this afternoon. Quibble’s still eating formula 1/2 times a day, but they’re officially eating pellets! They’ve also found their voice and are the loudest in the nursery lol

The only things I’m waiting on are the last of the rope perches and swings, some foot toys and shreddables, and finally a new travel carrier.

One thing I’m still debating on is the cage location. Right now it’s in the extra bedroom but it’s in the way. I could put it in my bedroom, but I have five guinea pigs who live in a 2x6 C&C cage and I’m wondering if the hay dust would be a problem. I have a Honeywell 300 and a Levoit core 300p running 24/7 inside.

As usual I’m lost again and probably overthinking it.
I know this baby isn’t coming home with you, but I just wanted to let you know that I haven’t had an issue with my guinea pigs and birds sharing a room. One of my budgies is very sensitive to dust ( pine shaving are a big no, so I use fleece mats for the piggies) but he has had no issues with the hay. I use Oxbow orchard grass hay which I do feel is a little less dusty than some of the cheaper brands. But I think if a bird was going to have issues with hay dust it would be my Cooper and I haven’t heard a single sneeze out of him since I got the guinea pigs.
I know this baby isn’t coming home with you, but I just wanted to let you know that I haven’t had an issue with my guinea pigs and birds sharing a room. One of my budgies is very sensitive to dust ( pine shaving are a big no, so I use fleece mats for the piggies) but he has had no issues with the hay. I use Oxbow orchard grass hay which I do feel is a little less dusty than some of the cheaper brands. But I think if a bird was going to have issues with hay dust it would be my Cooper and I haven’t heard a single sneeze out of him since I got the guinea pigs.
That’s good to know. My girls’ are on fleece too and I give them either oxbow or small pet select Timothy hay depending on when they run low. I’m glad that’s one less thing to worry about.

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