New from Minnesota


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
I joined the form today to keep in touch with other parrot owners and to learn from others. I currently have a 16 year old Noble Macaw and will soon be getting a Red Fronted Macaw as soon as I can pay him off. Until the baby is paid for I would like to learn from other RFM owners.

Please feel free to tell me about your RFM's. I will be getting a male and would love to know more about these macaws as pets.

I dont own a rfm but welcome to the forum :)
We would love to see pics when you pick up your new baby.
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I am learning how to do the pic thing on this form. I did post pics of my eclectus and Illiger's in the bereavement section but they came up as thumbnails. I also attempted too use Diego's pic as my avatar but I am not sure why he is not showing up.

Thanks for the warm welcomes!!
Hello NMacaw.
Remember me? :)
We haven't talked for a while.
Let me know if you don't know who I am.
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I remember you Kerry. How is the parrot search going? I am getting a baby Red Front. I am so excited I can't wait. Let me know what you have been up to. Email me if you want. THANKS!!

Take Care,

Hey Welome to the forums, I am also another Minnesota Parrot owner. I know what ya mean about the struggling to post pics thing. I am still working that out myself lol. I don't own and macaws though I am a Amazon girl =) I have a beautiful sweet pair of YN's =)
Hi and welcome! The way I post my pictures is through photobucket. It is free to get an account, you can upload your pics there and then copy the codes where ever you want them in your post.
I just tried photobucket like 45 seconds ago =) and it worked m pics are posted on my welcome forum yay hope to see urs soon noble.

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