new here and need suggestions


New member
Mar 4, 2017
Leander (austin) texas
hello, I am new here and had some questions. I have previously had an african grey but when I got her their wasnt a lot of info or a wonderful sight like this one.

I had a grey named kenya, she passed away at 23yrs from seizures that the vet could never figure out why or how to stop them.Thousands of dollars but millions of tears, I am more determined than ever to make sure I do my absolute best....

my vet had suggested a full spectrum light for kenya but I have since got rid of it.

Do you all use one and if so what kind?

I will be keeping my new grey in a large room where I do all my work and sleep there too. It has a wall that separates the two areas. Due to having a dog that I dont trust around my bird. He will be staying in this room. Should I put the cage on the other side of the wall and the jungle gym next to me ? I have read where some parrots just want to stay on top of their cage and get aggressive if you try to take them off of it?

can you all recommend a site for jungle gyms/stands? is that allowed?

thank you for all your help and suggestions. I have been reading for hours on here and I am excited to meet everyone!



Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
I don't have a full spectrum light but I should really get one. It's highly recommended if you can't take their bird outside often for whatever reason. As for play stand type things they are generally rather expensive so you could always make your own out of pvc or bird safe wood. I do advise putting the cage on the opposite wall of you and the play stand near you. Unless the bird is attached to the cage / afraid to come down / whatever then start with the cage near you and build up the birds courage or want to move away from the cage and progressively work with that. My ekkie is pretty content staying on top of his cage but he likes to come down too. If you're bird is content being on top of the cage invest in a cage with a play top but also make sure said bird is not aggressive when leaving the cage. I'm just kind of typing as things come to mind so sorry if this is a mess!


New member
Mar 4, 2017
Leander (austin) texas
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thanks for the reply! my baby is going to hatch this month so I have a while until he comes home. I just wasnt sure if his play area where he will spend all his time until he goes to bed should be away from the cage or should the cage and stand be next to each other?


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
Hello, and welcome!
I like your open-minded reaching out!
Looking forward to having you with us...


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Not sure where in this huge World you are, but if in North America, the large box stores commonly run sales on LED Day Light Bulbs that you can place in standard light bulb fixtures and an ever increasing number of non-standard fixtures. Use them to save electrical costs, the other 'implied' use is very limited in reality. So, say you are doing it for your Parrot if you need, but in fact do it to save electrical costs!

I am not sure of the status of your Vet's training in the Avian World, but you really want to target a Certified Avian Vet (CAV) or a Vet that has taken additional training that provides a background in Avian Medical Care! I would choose a Large Farm Animal Vet before I would go to a Dog & Cat specialist. At least the Farm Vet works with Farm Birds!

Well back to the Companion Parrot World!


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Welcome and hello! Get the breeder to harness train your new baby, perfect time and worth any cost he may charge!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Yes harness training is invaluable. Not only will it be great when you decide to take the bird outside, it'll have them get use to wearing stuff so if they develope plucking or something (as so many birds do even if we care for them as much as possible) you can put a hoodie or something on them to prevent plucking / help them keep warm.


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
I am a big believer in not letting your parrot be higher then your head on a regular basis, wether cage top or play stand. I find parrots get aggressive if they are allowed to do this. Salty was like that. Initially the top of his cage and his hang out boing were both taller then me, and he started to get aggressive and possessive about being removed from either. I lowered both and in time he gave up that attitude and can be step upped from either place. THats just my experience, some will say its BS but I can only go by my experience. Same thing with my little Maxie (RIP), he did the same thing. To loer Saltys cage, I had to cut down the metal legs and reinstall the casters, but so worth it.

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