

New member
Mar 1, 2024
New to the community and considering going to a bird show for the first time. I would love to buy an Amazon. I have some experience with them and would like to own my own. What do I need to know about the shows? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
before you do anything, read, several times and with full understanding, the 2 threads at the top of our Amazon sub-forum, "I Love Amazons" and 'Amazon Body Language". Amazon parrots are a class unto themselves. Not usually recommended as a first parrot, tho not unheard of.

I have to say bird shows are not the favorite venue for acquiring a new parrot. Learn about them yes, see and talk to folks about them, yes. Buy one there? Not ideal. THe ideal way to find one is to visit a breeder and let the parrot choose you. Honestly they are much better at it and if one does select you, you are more then 1/2 there. Truly.
If you are looking for a specific species of Amazon parrot you will likely find a larger selection at a fair than a pet shop.
visiting a breeder is probably better but not everyone has an available breeder Close by.

As Wrench says it’s best to let the parrot choose you and in a bird fair so much is going on that is difficult.
just keep in mind if you get your bird there you will need to put in a lot of work earning your birds trust and forging a bond.

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