New Love Bird Owner - information please!


New member
Nov 7, 2015
I purchased a 3 month old love bird yesterday. This is the first Parrot I'be bought. Still getting used to him and vice versa! I love all animals! I find sometimes they are better companions than humans. Any pet isn't just a pet; it's a family member. I'm pretty much homebound due to physical health challenges, so I enjoy having lots of company. I have had Parakeets for many years and wanted a bird I could interact more with. I don't have much space or money for a larger Parrot. My last keep passed of old age a few weeks ago and I so enjoy their music! I love to read, listen to an eclectic music mix, but very few songs past the late 90', watch TV dramas and cross stitch. I named my bird "Perry", after the green gem, Peridot. He enjoys my music and I discovered he enjoys the Bee Gees. This bird has great taste in music! I just worry about him staying warm at night. I have a northeast corner bedroom and it's the coldest room in the house year round. I covered him last with a throw blanket, but left room for air circulation. Perry also has a heated perch. I found him up in a high corner of his cage this morning, I'm wondering if I need a perch up there. Any input would be greatly appreciated!:confused:
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Many Questions, open for information!

This is my first lovie. I need and would appreciate any information on feeding him. He ? was recently weaned and is currently eating a seed mix and lettuce bits. Could I try grapes or another fruit or vegetable next?
Hi there, and welcome to the forums. :) Many congrats on your new family member, Perry.

How 'cold' does his room get at night? As long as you are comfortable in it, Perry should do just fine, too. Seeing that you provided him with a heated perch, please ensure he doesn't have any opportunities to chew on the electric cable.

As for diet, the more varied, the better. Here are some helpful links regarding feeding our beloved babies:
Welcome to you! Yes, by all means put a perch up in that corner, that is where my baby sleeps also. They feel safer up there! A nice branch would be great! Maple is a good safe tree! What part of the world you call home?
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I'm in eastern Kansas, a suburb of the Kansas City Metro area
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It's a very bird safe heated perch. The cord is actually outside of the cage and it's covered by the plate that holds it to the cage. I've had it for several years and no issues.
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Cold is hard to say. I think about 63 or 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
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I have another question now that I read that link on feeding. I have some Zupreem pellets from my parakeet. Are these safe to feed my lovie? Still fresh (sealed container) and I think fruit flavor
I have another question now that I read that link on feeding. I have some Zupreem pellets from my parakeet. Are these safe to feed my lovie? Still fresh (sealed container) and I think fruit flavor

Yes, absolutely! Give it a go, and it would be nice if Perry tried those. :)
Newly weaned lovebirds really like things like warm, baked sweet potato, apple, broccoli, and other fruits and veggies chopped into tiny pieces, defrosted English peas (no salt version), just to name a few.

Pinenuts and other nut meats are soft and small and also well liked by baby birds learning to explore with their beaks. I also recommend millet in the cage at all times until you're sure he's eating his normal diet of seeds and pellets. Most newly weaned lovebirds are easily overwhelmed when they move to a new home/cage and forget to eat. Millet and warm, baked sweet potato and pine nuts from your hand are a good idea to make sure he's getting plenty to eat.

If your house is cold, cover the cage. Also you can also get your bird a warm tent to sleep in. My male lovebird loves his little tent and retires to it each night, warm and snug in it all night.

Good luck with your new little one.
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So, I added so Zupreem to Perry's dish, just on top. The little stinker picked through the pellets to get to his favorite seeds! I'm still going to add them, but get a bit a bit sneaker! I so enjoy watching them, they make me laugh!
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This guy is a pig! Already has several favorite seeds! I appreciate the feeding information! I'll make a grocery run tomorrow and stock up 9ne those goodies.

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