Well, here I am a total beginner and trying to act like some kind of "expert". However,the experience I DO have is with a baby so here are a couple of thoughts for what they're worth.
Remember that your baby has just had a major upheaval -- EVERYTHING in his life has changed. That cage is not only his home but probably his security.
My baby definitely did not like hands invading her cage the first couple of weeks. Nor was she very eager to come out. Two things that worked for me:
1. Try putting a stick or perch into the cage and encourage him to step onto it. Bring the birdie out of the cage on the perch and then transfer him onto your hand or shoulder.
2. Try just leaving the cage door open (only when you can keep an eye on it of course.) Eventually your little guy will get curious. When he shows signs of coming out, offer your hand OUTSIDE the door for him to step onto.
Although my baby no longer objects to my hand in her cage, unless I really need to get her out for some reason I generally just open the door and let her make the decision. Usually she is eager to join me outside, but if she would rather stay inside and play with her toys or just observe the world that is OK, she'll come out later.
Hopes this helps