New parrot owner questions!


New member
Apr 20, 2015
I've just been given a beautiful yellow-headed Amazon who is about 44 years old. They just brought him/her over yesterday, so everything is very new.

First question--does shivering mean he is cold?

#2--how can I tell if it is male or female?

#3-- How do I get the bird to bond with me? I've been warned that he can be pretty snappy sometimes. I'd love to be able to pet him. :greenyellow:

Also, there is a lot of noise going on at a water utility property right next door. Is loud, persistent noise troublesome for these birds? I put a radio on low for him, and he seems to like that.

I'm a professional harpist and harp teacher and played for him this morning. Halfway through the first piece, his eyes were closed!! That's a good sign, I hope!
Although I'm not a pro or something but let me chip in a bit of my knowledge.

The best way to differentiate a parrot sex is via dna sexed, you can go to your local avian vet for more information.

For bonding wise, do not rush into it, let him/her settle down first. Remember patience is a virtue! It takes time to build up trust, shower him/her with lots of love and sooner or later you will be able to pet him/her!
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Hey , welcome to the forum. Loads of good info in the amazon section. Read though the different topics. Ask questions, we love to help. I'd use forum search and see if there's a recent thread. Of course we love pics, vids and stories about your new companion.
Hi there BetsyP, and welcome to the forums. :)

No, shivering does not necessarily mean he/she is cold. When birds are nervous they shiver, too. Since you JUST brought him home, I'm sure he's only settling in now, trying to get used to his new surroundings, new people, new sights and sounds.

To accurately determine the sex, a DNA test is necessary (unless you find an egg one day, then you'll know with certainty he's a 'she'.)

Sitting next to his cage, and softly talking to him will get him used to you and your voice. You can also offer him tidbits of food by hand, and see how he does with that. He'll let you know when he's ready to be touched. Amazons love neck scritches, and he'll lower his head for you when he wants one. Just one word of caution. "Some" Amazons lower their head to lure in unsuspecting victims and will quickly nail the finger/hand that touches them. :54:
Congrats on your new friend.
Shivering is also a way they regulate their body temperature.

Amazons tend to love food, attention and music.
Take your time with him/her and you will build a bond. Learn about amazon body language and respect his space. Trust needs to be earned but once it is they are loyal, funny and loving companions.
I've just been given a beautiful yellow-headed Amazon who is about 44 years old. They just brought him/her over yesterday, so everything is very new.

First question--does shivering mean he is cold?

Not necessarily. As Wendy said, they also "shiver" a bit when fearful. Though parrots are tropical birds and appreciate warmer temperatures. They should also not be near drafty windows or doors.

#2--how can I tell if it is male or female?

DNA test. You can ask the vet to do it when you bring him/her to his/her initial wellness checkup appointment with the avian vet.

#3-- How do I get the bird to bond with me? I've been warned that he can be pretty snappy sometimes. I'd love to be able to pet him. :green yellow:

ALL amazons can be "snappy" at times:) Take things slow. Food is always a good way to build trust with a zon. Try small bits of fruit and veg and see if the bird likes that (does the bird have a name BTW?). I also suggest you look into target training. It's a great way to build trust and establish a form of communication with your new friend.

Also, there is a lot of noise going on at a water utility property right next door. Is loud, persistent noise troublesome for these birds? I put a radio on low for him, and he seems to like that.

Amazons (once settled in) are sources of "persistent noise" in and of themselves lol:54: By 44 years old, I doubt the noise remotely phases him/her. This bird has likely seen and heard it all before (can you imagine being 44 and never having heard construction noise?). Many parrots like radio. Amazon seem to like upbeat music, and some even go nuts over opera. Don't be surprised if your new friend starts 'singing' along as he/she becomes more settled

I'm a professional harpist and harp teacher and played for him this morning. Halfway through the first piece, his eyes were closed!! That's a good sign, I hope!

Very good. He/she likes the harp. Sounds like you already have something in common with your bird!
Congratulations on your new fid! You are very lucky to get an older bird, they are hard to come by. I'm sure that with love and patience she will reward you a thousand-fold! Amazons love music, so I'm sure she's enjoying it when you play. Do you have a picture????
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Thanks everyone for the great welcome and info. My new friend's name is Pepe, so I think of him as a he, but that may be wrong!!

I do have a few pictures I can post. Do I use Photobucket or Dropbox box for pictures?? It's been a while since I've used one of these forums.
Hi there, Welcome to the forums! Congrats, it sounds like you've found an amazing new friend in Pepe.

I think you'll like photobucket.
Hi and welcome! Congrats on Pepe!! Patience is key! It will take time and the amount it takes depends on Pepe. Can't wait to see pics and updates.
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Here is Pepe!!! Don't know if the picture is gonna show up.
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I obviously don't have the picture posting working yet. I'll see if I can figure it out.
We sure have some great mods. Amazing you folks have the time to help us newbies.
Hey , welcome to the forum. Loads of good info in the amazon section. Read though the different topics. Ask questions, we love to help. I'd use forum search and see if there's a recent thread. Of course we love pics, vids and stories about your new companion.
Hello I was looking through and saw your response to someone and I had to Ask I just adopted an orange wing whom was found outside being attacked by wild birds. She is in great shape physically i got her from the foster whom had her for three weeks she is pretty aggressive right now. What can I do to help ease her transition and bring her back to a loving bird I adore her she has just been through a lot. Thank you for any advice you can give.
responded to the thread you started.
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Well, I am happy to report that Pepe is settling into life at my house now. He eats well, has climbed out the top of his cage a few times to stretch and fluff and preen. He is talking a little more as time goes on and seems most talkative very early in the morning.

The friend who gave him to me told me that Pepe has never really liked being handled or petted. Is there any way I can overcome this? I know I will have to be patient. He will take a grape or pistachio from my fingers (right hand only!), but does not like it when my hand gets close to him to adjust the perch or ring one of his bells. I would really love to gain his trust so that he might eventually climb on my hand and let me pet him.

Can you all recommend what I can do to gradually gain his trust?:greenyellow:
Lots of good advice in some of the older threads in this section. Find a favorite treat he likes and only feed it yo him from your hand. It will take time but he will adjust.
Welcome Betsy P!

Amy,my Blue Front,seems to prefer childrens voices over music. She will talk up a blue streak saying everything she knows when she hears kids outside laughing and talking :D

Jonesy,my Goffin's however LOVES classic rock'n roll! Especially The Stones < can't get no satisfaction> or Pink Floyd's Shine On You Crazy Diamond!

He will raise his crest,bob up and down,and jump all over on the top of his home. Hysterical to watch lol.

Lets see pics of Pepe!


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