New to the forum


New member
Aug 4, 2008
New York
Hybrid macaw
Hello everyone, Just came across this site and wanted to introduce my new addition to our family. Just purchased a Calico Macaw. Beautiful colors I might say. I've owned 2 previous birds which were a cockatoo and a red headed conjure. Here is a pic of my baby. We named him Tobias. He is 3 1/2 months old.

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Welcome to the forums. You have a beautiful guy there. Please post lots of more pictures. Once you are a member for a little while and make enough posts you will be able to post pictures. Just something to help keep spammers away. So here I will repost your picture so everyone can view it.

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Thank you very much for posting the pics of my baby. We love him already.
I have posted up some answers to your questions. Wait for some others also. There are some smart helpful people here. You bird is Gorgeous. Look after him.
Hi, Your baby is beautiful. I'm new here too, but I think it is great, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Tobias has outstanding beauty. What a treat it will be to be his guardian and watch him mature. You have joined a very good forum with lots of good people should you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for sharing the photo.
Welcome on board...... Wonderful friendly forum.
Tobias is absolutely awesome. Like an overgrown rainbow LoL.
Great colouring, he looks so healthy.
Enjoy him, spoil him for loads of love and attention.
Good luck
Take care
Hello all!!
Am new to the forum and looking forward to great advise and sharing. Have a seven year old Panama Amazon, Sullivan. He is the greatest.
Hi! A very warm welcome to the forums; pleased to meet you and Sullivan.

Sullivan sure is a cutie, I love your avatar!
Welcome to the forum! Lots of good resources here. Sullivan is, er, handsome.
Hello. This my first day and I'm nearly as new as a parrot owner (servant?!) My husband and I are senior citizens, but are still working in full time jobs. We were given an African gray parrot about 3 weeks ago by a lady who also had a female African gray (FG) and a cockatiel. She said she had raised the female from the beginning,and so the female was jealous of Gonzo, who is a male, and would try to hurt him. She was given Gonzo who she said was 5 or 6 yrs. at the time and kept him for 10 yrs. He is banded and she said his first owners lived in CA, but that is all I know about hus past. He is too thin, but according to the vet we took him to (a bird spe******t) his xrays and blood workup show no problems. I googled to try and learn if bird banding is traceable and that is how I found this site.:blue:

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