New to 'toos!


Jul 16, 2015
Hi all!

I'm Cheri and my husband Ames and I are proud new parents to a 15 yr old Little Corella Cockatoo Bella!
Poor little Bella has spent most of her life sitting in a cage. Her owners worked full time and only had her out for an hour or two at night. She has been very quiet, very nervous since she got here. Won't come out of the cage on her own, and steps up only after I've been persistant and basically annoyed her onto my arm. Then I transfer her to her playstand across the room, where she sits. Quietly. Not doing much of anything. No interest in toys, or exploring. Takes only a very few food items when offered. (Owners had her on ONLY black oil sunflower seeds "cuz that's all she likes", Ugh.
Poor thing must think she's in Hell - got here Sat, we had carpets cleaned Sunday, and today was her first EVER vet visit. She's royally pissed at me .
What is best from here? Keep making her come out of cage, offering food, giving scratches, or just open cage, talk softly and hope she eventually wants to come out?
Any advice is appreciated!
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If it were me I'd let her come out on her own. Keep offering her treats/aka bribes and keep talking to her. Just keep her included in the family activities as far as where her cage is located.
She's beautiful! Congrats!
Just stay near her cage and talk to her gently. Show that you don't mean any harm. Maybe let her stay in her cage for now and keep it her safe place.
BE VERY CAREFUL about getting your carpets cleaned [I wouldn't]. Know whatever they use can harm are birds. It doesn't matter if they have something that is "PET Friendly" Doesn't count for birds . Sounds like you got lucky.
Give her time to settle in. My mothers bare eyed girl came home much the same. Very quiet and didn't play much....if only that lasted:p
Really nice! Ditto on the carpet cleaning. I am currently puppy sitting, away from my JoJo. Well, this morning, two pups, loose stool! In shifts! I spent hours with a high tech automatic carpet shampoo gizmo. My throat is still irritated!
Welcome Cheri and Bella! I agree with all the great advice in the above posts. It's not unusual for Toos to get very emotional in a new home. I'd let her set the pace.
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Thanks all!! Yes, will just let her chill today with her cage door open. And let me clarify - the only carpets we have are upstairs, downstairs, where her cage is, we have hardwood, so she was not near the cleaning. It was just the loud noise that spooked her.
She also has been grinding her beak. Not clicking, but grinding back and forth. Never had a parrot do that. Any idea what that means?
My birds grind their beaks when they are content and starting to get sleepy. Hopefully that's why your Bella is doing that? She sure is sweet, congrats!
Welcome!! Bella is gorgeous! You're doing all the right things; nice cage, plenty of toys, a playstand, vet check, and an eagerness to better socialize her.

Nutrition is a big issue, and after a diet the equivalent to cheeseburgers Bella may not take kindly to fruits and vegetables. Lots of topics here regarding diet, but persistently offer a wide variety, and eat identical foods in her presence. You are part of her "flock" and Bella is engaged in plenty of keen observation. Patience and lots of love are key!

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