New words!


New member
May 5, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Congo African Grey: Russell Peters (R.I.P. my baby)
I just wanted to share with everyone the new words Russell has picked up. So far he says hello, at first it was a creepy hello I guess he was trying to find his voice. He’s found it! It’s a high pitched cheery voice now; actually he mimics my Mother’s voice. He says What! High pitched like he can’t believe what you’re saying. When he is listening to my Mother and I talk he’ll chime in and say ooohhhh, in her voice of course! He does the sexy whistle followed by oooowwww, thanks to my Son. Says good boy when he sees I’m on my way over to give him a time out, he’s so cheeky I love it! My Husband is trying to teach him to say “the bird is the word”; it’s not working out for him though. I think it’s because it’s not natural, it’s like he’s shoving the words down the poor birds throat. So far everything he’s learned is through natural conversation in the house and he’s a quiet observer then all of a sudden he surprises you with words. I think this is amazing for 7 months, since he started with hello at 4 ½ months! I know this is probably nothing compared to other people owned by a parrot but my Russell is the smartest bird in the world! Does anyone have any cute words/phrases their birds say?
Hi there. I too have a young timneh (4months) named Rosie. No words yet. I read that the best way for them to speak is through conversations in the homes. I have sirens close to me and I am afraid she is going to be sounding like a police car coming to an emergency soon. They are so much fun arent they? I have a cat and small dog too. Cat is never outside though. Good luck and enjoy.
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Well my Russell has learned a couple of unwanted sounds, first it's the squeak our front door makes so now we are constantly thinking someone is coming in so we get up to check it out and of course no one's there. Now he's learned the barking of the new puppies my neighbor has, so now everyday not only do i get to hear my parrot squawk like a bird but now i get to hear puppies bark every night! He also says my Daughters name and now she contstanylt thinks she's being called by my Mother!
Hi again Wuv You are doing good to have your grey saying words so young. Mine is now almost 6 months and just gives whistles and meows so far. I know she is going to talk because she listens so well. I love her so much it really would not matter if she never talks. I read that some of them to not talk.
Wuv, Russel sound absolutely gorgeous....
Touches your heart when they start to talk, well done guys, you all doing a great job. just keep talking talking talking and talking.
Mishka, my African Grey, 2 years old, also started talking very very young.
I have small conversations with her now, simple ones but she know what she is saying.
About a week ago her voice went very MALE ... some words in my voice then in a deep male voice. Got 2 teen sons, yet it is not their voices.
She has learnt the first line of Baa Baa Black Sheep.
I promise you she thinks she is Pavarotti. LoL It sounds so cool.
Today her voice changed back to mine.... well most of the day.
I get goosebumps, when I hear her calling my son Sean name, it is like listening to a recoding of my own voice.
Her fav sayings : Mommy call the police woo woo woo - Numbers 1 2 3
Mishka Poppy in the potty : hello what is your name my name is Mishka
Oh shut up how dare you : sneeze achoo achoo
Telephone makes the sound, hello okay bye see you later
Says animals names then makes the sounds.
I have noticed she prefers saying a sentence to a single word.
I am with her 24/7, she never leaves my side.
Mishka brings us so much joy and pleasure, sure Russell is doing the same for you all.
Take care
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Hi Antoinette,

Yes Russell is amazing, he is quite a character too. He has started to say Heeeeey good lookin and whistles the rest of whatch got cookin! When I walk in from work now he says "Hey how are ya?" No conversations yet but well on our way. Mishka sounds lovely, I saw the video you posted, I love it!

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