Newbie Intro


New member
Sep 10, 2007
Hello all...I'd like to introduce my white eyed conure Kiwi and myself Jason. I look forward to both learning and contributing as much as possible. I have started to keep an account of my experience with kiwi via blog which you can see below. Please feel free to stop by and let me know what I'm doing right or wrong!!!
Hi Jason, Welcome to Parrot Forums. White eyed conures are adorable, i look forward to hearing more about you and Kiwi. :D
Welcome to the forum!!

Greetings from one Jason to another ... and I too, have conures ... I have a green-cheek and a Sun .. but I am sure that you know that since you have probably read all the back posts.

Can't wait to hear about your friend ... hopefully you have pictures, and you will soon be able to post those ...

Hi Jason, Hi Kiwi! Welcome to the forum.. Yah, we want to see some pictures!
I've never seen a white eyed conure before, sounds cute.
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Thanks for the welcome! I'll include as many pictures as I can find of her. I've got a couple on my blog now but I'll keep taking them. She really is a pretty bird!
Hi Jason and Kiwi!
Hope you find this forum a fun and positive place to learn and meet new people. There's always new things going on here and now you'll get to be a part of it :) Can't wait to see some pictures soon!

Ashley and Tucker

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