Night Terrors or Seizures?


New member
Dec 31, 2014
Vancouver, Canada
Green Cheek Conure

My Green cheek has been frantically screaming and thrashing around violently in the middle of the night. Not every night but as often as every second night.

Some background:

I have had my Green Cheek for over 4 years and he will turn 5 next month. A few months ago he was diagnosed with PDD disease and I have been syringe feeding him since then since he was losing so much weight. He is unbalanced when he walks and I give him medication from the vet hospital where he was for a considerable amount of time before the diagnosis.

Since I've had him he would sometimes have seizures where he would drop to the floor and be unable to keep balanced, dazed and confused. This would happen maybe once a year or so.

A couple weeks ago while eating his dinner beside me he freaked out and thrashed to the floor screaming violently and seemed to be cramped and twisted. He scrambled under the couch screaming for a few minutes before I could get him out and calm him down. Since then he has been having these random night screaming and thrashing events in the middle of the night and I don't know if it's night terrors or if it's seizures.

Either way, it seems to cause him such distress that I think he's in severe pain.

Has anyone had this happen to their bird? The vet has asked me to consider his quality of life at this point and I don't know what to do. He is an extremely loving and playful bird despite his sickness but these events make me worried that he is suffering.

Any comments or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.

Keith S
That sounds like seizures, given the PDD diagnosis. That is a degenerative (and highly contagious) illness with many neurological impacts. It seems that if he is struggling with balance etc, it is to the point where seizures are a possibility. Contact a certified avian vet and explain the situation--he may need to be on seizure meds.
I am sorry you are going through this.
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Thank you yes my avian vet has given me lots of information but I also wanted to know if anyone else has had experience with this situation.
That sounds like seizures, given the PDD diagnosis. That is a degenerative (and highly contagious) illness with many neurological impacts. It seems that if he is struggling with balance etc, it is to the point where seizures are a possibility. Contact a certified avian vet and explain the situation--he may need to be on seizure meds.
I am sorry you are going through this.

Agreed as sound like maybe seizure as well. As PDD does affect the nerves and the fact he drops to the floor and be unable to keep balanced, dazed and confused. If they can't get the seizures under control, would look at his quality of life, as you won't want him to suffer. That something you and your vet will have to discuss.

Yes dealt with birds with ABV and PDD, it could be dormant for a years as ABV and kept under control as bird could just be a carrier. Everything you stated unfortunately it progressed to PDD and once it progress it does damage to the nerves and mainly affecting the nerves supplying the gastrointestinal tract of birds, mainly the proventriculus. Then the nerves supplying other organs may also be affected, and in some cases, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) which is likely what happening. Unfortunately condition is ultimately fatal and you and your vet have to decide what happens next and quality of life of the bird mainly. It a personal decision and not something I, or anyone here can advise on.
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Hello Keith and welcome to the forum although I wish it was under happier circumstances. Your poor bird’ terrible symptoms sound very similar to those experienced by my beautiful ex-cockatiel Twinkle (although she didn’t have PDD) and that finally claimed her life. You sound like you are wonderfully devoted to your bird’s wellbeing and best interests, certainly quality of life will be a major consideration. I wish you both all the best!

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