

Well-known member
May 29, 2015
New Jersey
Max (23yo) Blue and Gold Macaw,
PRIMOR (8yo) Red Lored Amazon,
ABBA (33yo) Red Lored Amazon - RIP
I am having issues unrelated to birds...
But a few nights ago I had a terrible nightmare.

In my dream I go to my beautiful sweet Amazon Primor and he had plucked all the feathers on his back.
Later in the dream for some reason he is in a cage with a few other random birds, pigeons doves etc. and I was sad.

After that i dreamed that something got in the cage and killed all the birds.
Next I am jumping up and down stamping my feet, pulling my hair, crying and screaming, "oh my god!, oh my god!, oh my god!..." over and over like one hundred times and then I woke up.
Wow, As a side note, have you been getting good, deep sleep prior to this or have you been not sleep as well as normal?

Nightmares can occur for several reasons most commonly very deep sleep after a period of time of poor sleep. Another is a night fever as they can commonly be associated with a nightmare.

Cure: Love on your Amazon, a lot!!
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Wow, As a side note, have you been getting good, deep sleep prior to this or have you been not sleep as well as normal?

Nightmares can occur for several reasons most commonly very deep sleep after a period of time of poor sleep. Another is a night fever as they can commonly be associated with a nightmare.

Cure: Love on your Amazon, a lot!!
I am a great sleeper.
As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.
I never used an alarm clock cause I just wake up when it's time to wake up...

Recently though because of hostile work environment issues my sleep pattern has been disturbed, along with my eating habits and general well being.

Thanks for your good words!!
I am having issues unrelated to birds...
But a few nights ago I had a terrible nightmare.

In my dream I go to my beautiful sweet Amazon Primor and he had plucked all the feathers on his back.
Later in the dream for some reason he is in a cage with a few other random birds, pigeons doves etc. and I was sad.

After that i dreamed that something got in the cage and killed all the birds.
Next I am jumping up and down stamping my feet, pulling my hair, crying and screaming, "oh my god!, oh my god!, oh my god!..." over and over like one hundred times and then I woke up.
Sounds like an anxiety dream. The subconscious mind takes different images to create scenes that provoke anxiety, depending on what you may have been focused on, or just something you've thought about in the past, or just creatively coming up with random terrible scenarios.
But, what I would say is that you obviously care a lot about your birds' well-being for your mind to come up with a terrible imaginary scene while you're sleeping…
Aww I feel this! I've had many nightmares about my flock but I think it's just because we care and worry about them so much that they're one of the first things we have a nightmare about if we're going to have a nightmare. I dreamt that I drilled a hole in Tequila's head once because I was told that it was good for her and would make her better, but it just took away her personality and you could see straight through her head to the other side as she had no eyes anymore, she was still alive though. Then I've had loads of dreams that they've flown away or died as well. One time I dreamt Tequila (it's always her for some reason) flew away and then I found her taxidermied in a shop.

The good thing is that they're only dreams and not real. I really hope your work issues get sorted soon and that you don't have any more dreams like this
I too have a very disturbing, reoccurring nightmare concerning my parrot, Salty. In it, I have many, many parrots, some stuffed by groups into woefully small cages, all are in a very poor state, and some in stages of starvation (no doubt a carry over from when I actually witnessed this type of condition when I visited Hong Kong). None of them are Salty, my only parrot! As I search frantically for him, the dream becomes more and more toxic until I finally wake up, usually close to tears. I have no idea why this dream occurs and I have had it so often that I can recognise it and force myself to wake up before it becomes to intense.
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I too have a very disturbing, reoccurring nightmare concerning my parrot, Salty. In it, I have many, many parrots, some stuffed by groups into woefully small cages, all are in a very poor state, and some in stages of starvation (no doubt a carry over from when I actually witnessed this type of condition when I visited Hong Kong). None of them are Salty, my only parrot! As I search frantically for him, the dream becomes more and more toxic until I finally wake up, usually close to tears. I have no idea why this dream occurs and I have had it so often that I can recognise it and force myself to wake up before it becomes to intense.
Ugggghhhh! that is disturbing!
Such a relief when you wake up and know that it's not true.
Is that catharsis?

I've never been able to tell myself in a dream that's what is going on.
is that lucid dreaming??
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Aww I feel this! I've had many nightmares about my flock but I think it's just because we care and worry about them so much that they're one of the first things we have a nightmare about if we're going to have a nightmare. I dreamt that I drilled a hole in Tequila's head once because I was told that it was good for her and would make her better, but it just took away her personality and you could see straight through her head to the other side as she had no eyes anymore, she was still alive though. Then I've had loads of dreams that they've flown away or died as well. One time I dreamt Tequila (it's always her for some reason) flew away and then I found her taxidermied in a shop.

The good thing is that they're only dreams and not real. I really hope your work issues get sorted soon and that you don't have any more dreams like this
I need a weeping emoji:eek:🥲🥲
I need a weeping emoji:eek:🥲🥲
I found 3 types:

About the thread subject... I think we all parronts have such nightmares about our fids... Once time I dreamed that Zenek escaped and I woke up in the middle of night thinking what to do if it really happened - then literally I created the whole plan what to do in the night instead of sleeping😅
But of course it wasn't the only nightmare (however I think that escapes are the most common ones when it comes to my fids)
"I've never been able to tell myself in a dream that's what is going on."

I've had that one so often, I can prod myself awake.

That one and a nightmare where I can't find my car, a very special 2001 screaming red BMW Z3 coupe. Jeez, that one happens so often its not funny.

And of course any dreams that include my ex-wife are always nightmares.

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