No eggs!!!?


New member
Jan 7, 2013
I have a citron cockatoo, Umbrella cockatoo, Parakeets, Finches, Lovebirds, Cockatiels, Canaries, Sun Conures, Green Cheek Conures and planning to get a lot more!!!
My lovebirds have recently paired up. The female just made a nest with newspaper and their feathers. I haven't seen them mating yet though. I also notice the male in the box more then the female. Is this normal? Well I be having babies??? I really hope i do. Please let me know thanks.
Both males and females build nests. All your lovebird is doing is trying to make himself more at home by working on the nest. Probably getting ready to hang a flat's just around the corner.....

are you sure you have two of different genders? it's possible they are both the same gender, you can only accurately sex lovebirds by DNA test. how long has the nest been up?

i ask the gender question due to the lack of mating. usually birds mate even before the nest is up.

are you sure they are completely bonded?

sorry for all of the questions, i dont really know all of your history :)
I've heard it can take a minimum of 2 weeks before eggs show up anyway...
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I'm not sure male and female but an expirience breeder did a pelvic bone test and said they were male and female. 3 (different breeders) also what time do they usually mate? Every time I watch them the female flys everywhere she is untamed. And my male is tamed. I'm not sure they are completely bonded however the male feeds her and they always sleep in there at night. They use feathers and newspaper.
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Also the cut newspaper is like shredded over and over ( the birds did that) it's really small and it cover a majority of the box
well, if you dont see any eggs, i would suspect they may be two males. i would give it more time and see though. have you noticed any "egg poops" or "egg bums"? an egg bum will be swelling in the female's vent area a few days before laying. egg poops will be very large and watery droppings usually seen by nesting hens.

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I don't suspect they are two males. They liked each other almost instantly after 2 days of female chasing. No harm done. Territorial thing I think? Male ran for hours haha. And I can't really look my female hates humans and she flys everywhere when I come. It sucks. I check the egg box about twice a day xD the female minds but male doesn't I think. Why is my male in there more then my female?? Thanks for your great replys
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uhmm problem. my male looks like he used a lott of feathers. he is sitting in the bottom of the cage with his head tucked in sleeping. Im neevous
how have their droppings looked? normal? healthy? is he eating?
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hes eating alott. His poop looks kinda normal but his feathers looked all messed up because he uses so mich for the nesting box :/ Whhat should i do??
No, that's the lovebird version of him sleeping on the couch...his sleeping on the bottom of the cage.....
are you giving them paper and materials to make a nest out of? i know some pairs pluck, but if he is being plucked to the point that he is acting sick, i worry you might not have given them enough time to bond yet, or he might be getting a secondary illness from stress. yeast infections sometimes pop up from stress, and nesting is a stress. my female lovebird Munch, she developed a secondary yeast infection during a diet change when she was younger, so that's how i learned about some illnesses coming from a lower immune system due to stress.

it may be nothing, but keep a VERY close watch, because sleeping on the cage bottom isnt a good sign, you might want to bring him to the vet to be safe. how is the other bird treating him?
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I dont see them fighting but i sometimes see her cornering him. Also he goes up on a perch at times.. There also is plenty of newspaper to shred in the cage.
I'm a bit lost, what you mean he used a lot of feathers??? Did you mean he plucked them?

Only females will stuff shredded newspapers and such to her tail feather and bring it back into the nest. You sounded too impatient to have babies as you need to be more patient and wait. Obviously you haven't read enough to be asking more questions about breeding after last time. Keep studying before the eggs come!!!!
Sounds like one bird might be sick and the box taken down, plus birds separated until it is for sure that both are happy and are of opposite sex before pairing them back up.
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I think the female used his feathers? she seems untouched.
personally, i dont think this is a good pair up and i would separate them and bring the male to the vet because he sounds sick.

i agree, you should take the box down because its not a good situation :(

it doesnt sound like you have a bonded pair, it sounds more like the birds do not get along properly to breed. and this is dangerous because lovebirds can be fickle and unpredictable if they dont get along with eachother. my two, they preen eachother, feed eachother, but if they share a cage the female tries to kill my male. she tried to kill him over a bowl of veggies and he got away with a bitten leg. i dont want to see injuries in your birds because they didnt get along properly :( it can happen
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He always stand on his food bowl. The female isn't close to him as much anymore

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