Olivander the rescue eclectus.


New member
Jun 13, 2014
1 15 year old male Eclectus.
Earlier this month my husband and I adopted a 15 year old rescue Eclectus that we named Olivander (Oli for short), his name was Clyde, but he did not respond to it at all.
The back story we were given was that he and his mate were rescued from a parrot hoarders garage (along with other Amazons). Some time after the rescue his mate died (reason was not given as to why) and he did not take her absence well, but was still generally friendly and dying for any positive attention. He doesn't bite, he doesn't poop on you when you're holding him (he waits until he's back on his cage), he loves kisses and cuddles... But he has a habit of giving out the loudest screeching squawks. Sometimes these war calls seem to be for no apparent reason, other times he squawks when we leave a room or are not talking to him when he wants attention. We live in an apartment so the squawking can get us evicted unless we rehome him (which we don't want to do because we are already so inlove with him & he's obviously made a huge bond with my husband and his beard).

We don't reward the squawking with attention, rather we wait for him to say "hello" or make one of his noises. Which seems to work some of the time, but most of the time he will keep squawking until we dim the lights or give him a "time out" inside of his cage.

He's been to the vet and he was so good with her. She said he was fine, but there were some signs of neglect which can be from living in a garage the first 15 years of his life...like his long beak, tattered wings/feathers and long dirty nails.

Anyway my husband and I are hoping for some tips on how to eliminate the squawking.

Anything helps!

Thanks in advance from Olivander & Momma Mia. :green::63:
Chico squawks as well but not too often. This squawk is the Eclectus' natural call. There is always a reason for each one of his squawks. Usually it is either a flock security alarm, when he sees a stranger out the window, or a flock call when I leave the room and he wants me to come back or take him with. You are on the right track to try and get him to change his call to something less loud. Chico doesn't speak or make other sounds so this was not an option for me. Here is something you might find useful. I use a sleep cage at night in my upstairs closet where it is dark and quiet. I found he had a hard time winding down with the TV in the background. This way he gets his 10-12 hrs rest each night. When I have the occasional poker party he will get louder as my guests get louder. Into the closet he goes. I own a condo and his squawking is managed and does not disturb my neighbors (I hope).
Most apartment complex's have noise ordinance hours. I would argue that a screech or two during the day is no less loud or irritating in my opinion than a two year old screaming but pet noise may fall under harder scrutiny. If you cover the cage at night allowing for 12 hours of dark sleep that should keep him quiet during the times that could cause problems with your neighbors.

I am surprised no one told you how loud they could be before you got him from the rescue, if this could have become an issue it should have been discussed before bringing him home. Mine can get loud on occasion but for the most part they talk, they are out most of the day with plenty to do which helps, however I tell people when they are loud which is not often the alarm call can peel paint off walls and make you bleed from your ears! Thankfully it is done rather quickly (a few minutes max) compared to other kinds of birds that can go on for hours.

I would keep doing what you are doing, not encouraging the negative, rewarding the positive and cover the cage for a time out as needed. Please not for very long as it loses it's effectiveness.

I would also encourage you to read as much as you can about eclectus to help avoid any future issues and help him get on track health wise. The website "The Land Of Vos" has some great information as well as anything written about eclectus from Laurella Desborough. If you search those two sites as well as reading old posts here you will find a lot of great information.
congratulations on rescuing Olivander! I would imagine he had 15 years to scream and squawk without any attention whatsoever and now with you he doesn't know the "inside" rules. My Eclectus Oliver is 19 months old and recently developed this goofy, high pitch screech right on cue after we eat dinner. My mistake was laughing because now he thinks it's cute. He also will squawk really loud if he sneaks off his play stand and climbs to the top of his cage which has a play area I never use...somehow he thinks he's king up there. I find distracting him and moving him around helps greatly. I have this portable basket I tote him around on and it seems to keep him in the know avoiding most squawking and screeching.


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