OMG, this is so funny!

Looky, here's the full and original version. HAHAHAH!! (For those who don't have FB or can't access the above video)

[ame=""]Cockatoo loves elvis. - YouTube[/ame]
Lol! That U2 was into it, that other one was quite the party pooper though.
Too funny! The Toos in the video obviously have different taste in music!
Both videos are great finds! The reactions of the U2's buddy are equally interesting, from the side movement, outstretched foot, and finally flight to sanity!!
I love that! Especially when it looks like the sulfur is saying "talk to the hand!" And get away from me, LOL!
I so love this video! I don't know what's funnier, the dancing or the reaction of his buddy.
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Thanks! I saw the modified version of Cypress Hills song Jump last week but I love the Elvis version so much more, lol.
HAHA...that's great!

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