Parrot is in shock


New member
Apr 17, 2013
My CAG fell yesterday with his cage. He was probably on the cage as when we arrived we found him hidden under a chair. He hasn't made a noise since then. He is all fluffed up and I don't think he drank water. He didn't even touch his seeds , but I gave him cherries and he kind of ate them. He doesn't get out of his cage unless we put a cherry on the cage(he usually sat all day long on top of his cage , playing ). I don't really know what to do, he looks like a sick bird, staying inside the cage with his eyes half opened half closed.The worst part is that we're leaving tomorrow( we'll return in 2 weeks ) and we will let him with our uncle.What can I do?
Not to mention there might be a reason he fell in the first place and that really needs to be taken care of before you leave.
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I think it would be too dangerous to take him to the vet, he doesn't look hurt , just shocked. He fell from about 1.5 meters and he probably flew before hitting the ground. He now sleeps with his head hidden behind his feathers. We called our vet but he didn't answer so we'll try again later.
Also, he had a toy hanging from the ceiling and he often climbs on it. I guess he could have kept one leg on his cage and one on his toy and he started swinging.I have already removed that toy.
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That's like saying if your child fell from the cabinets he was playing on.... That it's too dangerous to take him to the doctor. It doesn't make any sense.
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He definitely is not hurt. After so much time spent with him I would know if he was hurt. We can't visit the vet because he is in such a state of shock. We will probably call a vet to come and see him and possibly take care of him while we are gone , but it's impossible in this moment to transport him to the vet , taking into account all the stress he gets when he visits the vet.
In my opinion, it is too dangerous to NOT take him to the vet. It sounds to me that he is injured, perhaps severely. It would be awesome if your vet makes housecalls, but if not, please take him to get him checked out.
... We can't visit the vet because he is in such a state of shock. ..., but it's impossible in this moment to transport him to the vet , taking into account all the stress he gets when he visits the vet.

NOT taking him to the vet MAY be a decision you could regret for the rest of your life. Of course birds stress at the vet, however, a SICK and/or INJURED bird will need professional help, something you can't provide him.

Out of curiosity, HOW did he fall WITH his cage???? :eek:
NOT taking him to the vet MAY be a decision you could regret for the rest of your life. Of course birds stress at the vet, however, a SICK and/or INJURED bird will need professional help, something you can't provide him.

Out of curiosity, HOW did he fall WITH his cage???? :eek:

People don't realize but birds reach a "point of no return" Wait just a bit too long and ITS TOO LATE.....

As Wendy said:

NOT taking him to the vet MAY be a decision you could regret for the rest of your life
Why ask the question if you already decided on your action and feel the need to justify it??
1) You are obviously concerned about the bird
2) The bird is acting really strange after a fall
3) Birds that suddenly act really strange could easily have issues that could result in death..

Your choice, but I fail to understand your logic.
My boyfriend works at Petland for the summer, and their new rose crowned conure just fell from a perch in the cage. She broke her keel bone and required immediate surgery.

These things can and do happen. It would be different I your bird came back to normal after an hour or so, but if it's persisted since yesterday I'd be seriously worried. Avery flew into a window awhile ago, acted like a sick bird for an hour, and then returned to normal once she saw her favourite treats. If he had persisted that behaviour for more than an hour, I would've rushed her to the vet.

I'm not positive why you persist that going to the vet would be more of a shock, but if the vet can come to you that's great. In most situations, however, it's incredibly important to take your bird to the vet. As Joe has mentioned, when we wait we often wait until it's too late. Just yesterday Shiko fell from a curtain rod onto his cage, so I rushed over and checked his feet, wings, and keel. He didn't respond hurt when any of them were touched and he was perfectly active afterwards. In comparison, your bird sounds hurt and in need of care.

I hope your bird receives the care it needs an that everything is okay.
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I called the vet about 2 hours ago and he told me to keep him in a warm and quiet place and let him rest until tomorrow, when he'll be able to come and take a look at him. But I'm a bit more hopeful now,as he ate some of his seeds and destroyed one of my pencils. Thank you for all you help
I called the vet about 2 hours ago and he told me to keep him in a warm and quiet place and let him rest until tomorrow, when he'll be able to come and take a look at him. But I'm a bit more hopeful now,as he ate some of his seeds and destroyed one of my pencils. Thank you for all you help

The vet can't come any sooner??? Is this an avian vet?? I really hope your grey doesn't have any serious injuries because time is of the essence.

Please don't let him play with pencils- even though most are graphite, the paint on the outside is often lead paint.
Please don't let him play with pencils- even though most are graphite, the paint on the outside is often lead paint.

Not if they are made in the US they don't. That's very illegal.

Mind you, the graphite probably not real a plain dowel is a much better toy. :)
Please don't let him play with pencils- even though most are graphite, the paint on the outside is often lead paint.

Not if they are made in the US they don't. That's very illegal.

Mind you, the graphite probably not real a plain dowel is a much better toy. :)

Lead paint or not, lead or graphite centers , bottom line- pencils are not toys.
Please don't let him play with pencils- even though most are graphite, the paint on the outside is often lead paint.

Not if they are made in the US they don't. That's very illegal.

Mind you, the graphite probably not real a plain dowel is a much better toy. :)

Most pencils are made in China, I wouldn't trust any paint for Eating LOL
I'm even scared of "bird toys" that come from China
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The doctor came to us the following day and he told us to buy him some stress pills from vitakraft ,which we bought and started giving him on the same day. We returned today from holiday and he is healthy and talkative :).
I'm glad to hear your little guy is fine now. Whew, good news :).
I've never heard of prescribing OTC bird stress pills.

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