Parrot only eats when I'm in the room


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2017
Midori - Nanday Conure
Toby Eclectus - Now enjoying a new life with a wonderful family
Toby the Eclectus doesn't eat much if I am not in the room. For instance, yesterday, I had errands and yard work to do and he ate zero pellets during the day and just a little chop in the evening when I was in the next room. Today, he would only start eating if I came into the room and sat down for a long while. This is not a one-off, it is his MO.

Does anyone else's bird do the same? Any thoughts on how to get a bird to eat on his own?
I do think Ona sometimes does this. I do notice that often when I come home from being away, I take her out of her cage and she will sometimes go to her play stand and start scarfing pellets down.

I don’t have much advice other than making sure you have some good foraging areas in the cage with favorite treats. That way they are eating something and staying distracted when you’re away.
I do think Ona sometimes does this. I do notice that often when I come home from being away, I take her out of her cage and she will sometimes go to her play stand and start scarfing pellets down.

I don’t have much advice other than making sure you have some good foraging areas in the cage with favorite treats. That way they are eating something and staying distracted when you’re away.
Eating is a very social activity for my budgie Rocky. She always wants to eat when we eat and what we are eating. She does eat when we aren't home but not with the same enthusiasm.
Very common.
flock behavior.

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