Pepsi's health


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
Well I finally got back information on Pepsi's blood work and her overall health. All her bloodwork came back normal, thankfully. She actually isn't over weight as I had thought she might be, she is actually smaller for a Mealy at 570 grams. Her only problems were the poor condition of her plumage, so dry there is no oil to her feathers at all and she has thickened skin on her feet. I know that showers and a change in diet will help her plumage, but no idea about the thickened skin on her feet.

Anybody ever have the same problem? I'm thinking for now that the change in her diet will help this as well.

Well at least for the most part she is healthy!!! :D
You had me worried there for a moment Tracy, with the title. Phew, I so glad that she is in good health, everything else can be worked on. I have to admit I've never come across that problem before, thickened skin on her feet. As you say maybe a good healthy diet will help sort this out. She's certainly in the right home to get her plumage and diet sorted out, and hey a whole lotta love to go along with it. Let us know how she gets on.
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Oops Peta should picked a different title like Pepsi is healthy, or something. This is the first time i've ever heard about thickened skin on the feet so its all new to me. She will need to go back again soon for another nail trim so I'll ask how to correct it. For now were trying to get her on a better diet but she doesn't seem to like Harrison's so I might need to try a different pellet food. Her plumage is slowly coming around with lots of showers, which she hasn't been to happy to get but I gotta do whats best for her even if she gets angry at me for a bit.
Does she take easily to new food? Know what you mean about the showers, Bucc hates them as well, but they are so necessary for them. Its such a shame they don't understand just how good they are for them. Let us know what the vet says about the thickened skin on her feet. it will be interesting to hear what he has to say on this.

Keep at it with the showers and she will come around. I always used to think Sisqo didn't like showers until Sunday. I usually spray him when he is on his perch, but this time I tried covering the island with a towel and putting him on that. He loved it! I'd never seen him get that into a shower before. My hand got tired from all the spraying.

Maybe when Pepsi will let you pick her up you could try different things when it comes to shower time until you find what works for her.

Good luck in the meantime
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Nicole those are great pictures of Sisqo during his bath time. So far Pepsi has enjoyed a couple of showers, she got right into it with her wings spread right out and just having fun. Then there is the rest of the times where you would think it was torture for her. Oh my.

When I can pick her up I'll have to try it like you did with Sisqo.

PS- Sisqo is just gorgeous, you can really see all the nice colours he has in those bath time pictures!!! :D

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