Percys Thread!

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  • #21
There must be something that floats his boat. Instead of a separate dish of food you would like him to try, have you thought of putting a very little bit chopped really small mixed in with what he will accept so he tries it by mistake? It might be the look of it in a separate container that is strange putting him off. I would also sit as near as possible with a similar bowl and eat in front of him making really stupid noises of enjoyment as you do. I am a horrible mum too so I would have my bowl while he doesn't have one! There's nothing quite like a bit of envy/curiosity to prompt acceptable behaviour!
My daughter is weening her baby (the human kind) at present and she is just like her mum. She hides a new flavour in something he already knows and so far it works, but then he hasn't learned to say no, run or throw it at her yet! LOL

He is enjoying his sprouted seeds which Iā€™m pleased about. :) Iā€™ve tried putting the chop in his normal bowl mixed in with his seeds (I also put pellets in there, I have no idea if he has tried any) but Iā€™m quite sure he just eats around it lol! He eats his sprouts out of the bowl of chop so hopefully one day he will accidentally eat a vegetable and decided it tastes nice haha!
He ate a small amount of millet the first and second day I had him but didnā€™t touch it again after that. Iā€™m going to put it back in tomorrow and see if he likes it again.
I have attempted to eat in front of him, but as he doesnā€™t trust me at all he wasnā€™t jealous of the food and didnā€™t take the slightest interest when I put it in his dish. I will try this again tomorrow though! :D
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  • #22
I cannot imagine Percy being afraid of you! Your aura has got to be one of "bird lover."

Please send a telepathic message to Percy and convince him that Iā€™m a ā€˜bird loverā€™ Not a bird eater!!
Hannah we need a Percy update!

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Hannah, have you tried wild grass seed-heads? You can usually find winter grass or veldt grass or *some*thing seeding in your lawn or at the edges of a park or footy field. Gumnuts? Fresh eucalyptus tips? Fresh broccoli florets? Corn on the cob? Peas? (Mine like frozen peas in the hot weather). Does anyone grow wheat, oats or barley near you? You could try some seed-heads of those? Or sorghum? Maize?

What if you put a tiny molecule of peanut butter on a sprout and see if he gets a taste for it? Most birds love peanut butter and I've used it to encourage mine to try new things by smearing it on the new food.

How about dried fruits like mango or pawpaw or apples or bananas (Dommie used to love banana chips). Zucchini flowers? Pumpkin flowers and/or seeds? Roses? (Don't feed the hips/seeds - they're not good - but the petals are fine). Sweet potato? Butternut pumpkin?

These are all things my birds enjoy. Surely we can find *some*thing that will tempt Percy! Good luck with him. We'll keep trying! :)
Omg! How did i miss this thread???! I didn't know you got an indoor bird?! Lol congrats!!!
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  • #26
Hi everyone.
Not much to update. Percy is still petrified of me.
He sometimes tries some of the veggies I put in his dish. But I mostly find it thrown out of the dish lol. Thanks for the idea Betrisher, Iā€™ve tried grass seed heads, he didnā€™t touch them they just went floppy after a few days. He has some gumnuts and eucalyptus branches in his cage but hasnā€™t even taken much notice of them. Heā€™s not fussed about broccoli florets. BUT I think Iā€™ve found that he likes baby corn (the most expensive hard to find veg in Aus lol!). I was suprised that has been nibbling on some millet the past few days after him ignoring it for weeks. He has some dried fruits and nuts in his seed mix I think he eats a bit of it.
Iā€™ll keep trying :)

Here is a video of an unhappy Percy while I changed his water. He actually never use to be this unsettled about it. He use to just sit and watch while I reached in to get it but the past few weeks heā€™s taken a big disliking to me going in his cage. Canā€™t blame him, he hates me and Iā€™m invading his personal space. Which will only make things worse. I will buy a water dish that can go on the side next time Iā€™m in town.
[ame=""]Percy, The frighted Cockatiel - YouTube[/ame]
Aaaa, your Tiel has true fear of all things new, including you. Conceder everything that has changed in his World over the last several weeks -- near or likely everything.

If you have anything from what you came home with consider setting it near his cage.

Look at setting up a very tight schedule in which everything is schedule though the day. Follow it to a fault. This targets bring consistency to his World and it will begin to help. It falls along the line of only good things happen when Humans are around.

It can be days, weeks, and even months before you begin seeing a comfort in the consistency... Starting from zero is difficult, but I assure you that rewards are all worth it.

Grasp the extremely small moments as if they are like a climbed mountain and rejoin in them... You have years to enjoy each other, no reason to rush it.
I am truly surprised as Percy's level of fear after several weeks. You have such a calm disposition and mellow voice when speaking to him.

Keep offering various foods, it can take months or even years of looking at something "strange" before giving it a try.
Your Percy is still adorable...afraid, but adorable. Mr Tee has taken the longest of all of mine to come around. Heā€™s still very hand-shy, but has decided that my shoulder is fine. Good things come with time - you are naturally soothing, heā€™ll eventually decide you are okay :).
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  • #30
Thanks everyone :)
He is super adorable, he sings a lot and has some lovely fun tunes!
I just wish I could let him out the cage to stretch his little wings.
I tell him everyday that I love him, whether he likes it or not lol.
Iā€™ve just spruced up his cage with some native branches.
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  • #31

Percy is eating kale! I repeat PERCY IS EATING KALE

Thanks everyone :)
He is super adorable, he sings a lot and has some lovely fun tunes!
I just wish I could let him out the cage to stretch his little wings.
I tell him everyday that I love him, whether he likes it or not lol.
Iā€™ve just spruced up his cage with some native branches.


Percy is eating kale! I repeat PERCY IS EATING KALE


That cage is perfection! Great selection of toys and perches, the native branches are terrific!

Percy eating kale be like the Sun, planets, and moons are in perfect alignment!!
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  • #33
Thanks everyone :)
He is super adorable, he sings a lot and has some lovely fun tunes!
I just wish I could let him out the cage to stretch his little wings.
I tell him everyday that I love him, whether he likes it or not lol.
Iā€™ve just spruced up his cage with some native branches.


Percy is eating kale! I repeat PERCY IS EATING KALE


That cage is perfection! Great selection of toys and perches, the native branches are terrific!

Percy eating kale be like the Sun, planets, and moons are in perfect alignment!!

Thanks Scott :D Iā€™m yet to see him ā€˜playā€™ but he does nibble on one woven wicker ball type toy. So thatā€™s something at least.

I *think* heā€™s also eaten some green beans AND brocollini too :eek:
Hannah, what is the item at left of cage, hanging by red handle. Looks like different types of seed formed in shape of a wheel?
Congratulations on him eating kale!

And the cage is beautiful with all the branches.

But. I've been pondering since I watched your video clip of his terror at you reaching in. You mentioned his fear is getting worse rather than better, right? It reminds me of behavior I see on occasion with my scaredy-budgies, which makes me wonder if the cage setup could be contributing.

Three things in particular which I'm wondering if changes might help him.

First, you placed the water on the bottom of the cage. Does your cage have spots to attach food & water dishes higher up? Or if not, can you get some attachable dishes? I think birds feel more secure when they're not on the ground. My budgies & conure will go to the bottom to "forage" but it's clearly not their first choice. edit: I realize you already said you're gonna get a higher-up water dish for him. I betcha that will help!

Second: It's a nice big cage but appears to be sitting on the floor? Such that even when high-up in the cage, he's still fairly low compared to any person standing or walking in the room? Perhaps it's an illusion in the photo. But if not, I would really recommend placing the cage onto a stand or table. Wouldn't need to be fancy, a fairly small folding table could do. Or whatever you could use to elevate it.

This would let him live in a higher more secure-feeling level.

Third. Those beautiful branches. I've noticed my budgies get fearful and stressed with anything On or Over their cage. Or with too many things inside their cage. Logically, birds in the wild would live in trees with branches above them. However inside maybe the ceiling takes that place? However it works, I'm sure if I were to fill my Sun Conure's cage with nice branches like that, my Budgies would love to play ON them; however, if I were to put leafy branches Atop (or even inside) the Budgies' Own cage, my budgies would panic like your bird, inside their cage, probably daily or more often.

Based on Percy's fear level you might try placing just one or two, bare perch-like branches within the cage only. Since he is already skittish. When he panics the wind from his wings moves the leaves, which then heighten his fear so he feels like no safe place. (This is what I see anyway when looking at his panic & extrapolating from how my budgies panic.)

Having said all this - your cage setup is beautiful. I'm only making these suggestions based on his current fear-level. He's a handsome fella and I'm sure he'll eventually come around! :)
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Cage looks great- what happens if you cover mirrors and windows (or put decals on them) and let him out? Just because a bird won't step up, doesn't mean they can't come out..It just means more waiting on your end (as long as it is safe..). I did this from day 1 from my bird and couldn't pick her up for 3 months, but she was out daily (granted, she isn't much for flying, even though she can..she chooses not to 85% of the time)..She also lunged at me for the first month at least lol! You never would know Noodles was the same bird that I got so many years ago, so just know that it will happen...Like I said, 3 months for a step-up and MY BIRD KNEW HOW ALREADY LOL!

We are SO good now, though...I mean, yeah...she is a massive pain and she takes up most of my free-time, but I trust her and she trusts me 98% of the time... (and that is not me anthropomorphizing the situation either).
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  • #37
Hannah, what is the item at left of cage, hanging by red handle. Looks like different types of seed formed in shape of a wheel?

It is just a big solid seed thing, I only got it for him when I was concerned he wasnā€™t eating enough. Heā€™s never touched it, which Iā€™m fine about as I know theyā€™re not the best thing for them. (I thought being aviary and seed raised he may have had something like that before and could encourage some playing/forging behaviour)

Congratulations on him eating kale!

And the cage is beautiful with all the branches.

But. I've been pondering since I watched your video clip of his terror at you reaching in. You mentioned his fear is getting worse rather than better, right? It reminds me of behavior I see on occasion with my scaredy-budgies, which makes me wonder if the cage setup could be contributing.

Three things in particular which I'm wondering if changes might help him.

First, you placed the water on the bottom of the cage. Does your cage have spots to attach food & water dishes higher up? Or if not, can you get some attachable dishes? I think birds feel more secure when they're not on the ground. My budgies & conure will go to the bottom to "forage" but it's clearly not their first choice. edit: I realize you already said you're gonna get a higher-up water dish for him. I betcha that will help!

Second: It's a nice big cage but appears to be sitting on the floor? Such that even when high-up in the cage, he's still fairly low compared to any person standing or walking in the room? Perhaps it's an illusion in the photo. But if not, I would really recommend placing the cage onto a stand or table. Wouldn't need to be fancy, a fairly small folding table could do. Or whatever you could use to elevate it.

This would let him live in a higher more secure-feeling level.

Third. Those beautiful branches. I've noticed my budgies get fearful and stressed with anything On or Over their cage. Or with too many things inside their cage. Logically, birds in the wild would live in trees with branches above them. However inside maybe the ceiling takes that place? However it works, I'm sure if I were to fill my Sun Conure's cage with nice branches like that, my Budgies would love to play ON them; however, if I were to put leafy branches Atop (or even inside) the Budgies' Own cage, my budgies would panic like your bird, inside their cage, probably daily or more often.

Based on Percy's fear level you might try placing just one or two, bare perch-like branches within the cage only. Since he is already skittish. When he panics the wind from his wings moves the leaves, which then heighten his fear so he feels like no safe place. (This is what I see anyway when looking at his panic & extrapolating from how my budgies panic.)

Having said all this - your cage setup is beautiful. I'm only making these suggestions based on his current fear-level. He's a handsome fella and I'm sure he'll eventually come around! :)

Thanks. His cage is high up on a worktop not on the floor. Yes I am going to buy him a water dish that clips on the side I just keep forgetting everytime I went into town!:rolleyes:!

I always had one small branch which was half on top half on the side of the cage and he seemed to like sitting in that corner. So I thought adding a couple more like I did the other day might be okay but I guess it is a bit too much. The ones in his cage are mostly there for foraging opportunityā€™s, such as gumnuts, and other native safe buds And flowers on branches. And there are all placed on the side of the cage (inside) which doesnā€™t get in his way when flying from perch to perch. Thanks, Iā€™ll tidy it up a bit :)
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  • #38

Here you can see his cage is up on the work bench :)

And Iā€™ve just checked to see if there is too much branchā€™s in the cage and on top, what do you think?..

I think it looked more from the front on photos.

Well Iā€™ve just changed Percys food, taken his millet off the cage floor that heā€™s dropped and taken that horrible seed thing out (It bothered me the day I put it in Scott! Haha). AND Percy was great! No flapping around, he just sat under his branch on his perch and watched well he did a couple of hisses but I prefer that than flapping around. Good boy Percy!
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  • #39
Cage looks great- what happens if you cover mirrors and windows (or put decals on them) and let him out? Just because a bird won't step up, doesn't mean they can't come out..It just means more waiting on your end (as long as it is safe..). I did this from day 1 from my bird and couldn't pick her up for 3 months, but she was out daily (granted, she isn't much for flying, even though she can..she chooses not to 85% of the time)..She also lunged at me for the first month at least lol! You never would know Noodles was the same bird that I got so many years ago, so just know that it will happen...Like I said, 3 months for a step-up and MY BIRD KNEW HOW ALREADY LOL!

We are SO good now, though...I mean, yeah...she is a massive pain and she takes up most of my free-time, but I trust her and she trusts me 98% of the time... (and that is not me anthropomorphizing the situation either).

Hi noodles!
Iā€™d love to let him out, and I have thought about it. I did once pull all the blinds down and opened his cage door to see if he would come out, but after a few minutes I wimped out and shut the door again. Iā€™m just so worried that he will fly in a frenzy around the room and crash into walls or furniture and kill himself. If he was a bigger bird for some reason Iā€™d feel safer about it but being only small I just feel heā€™s so delicate.
What do you think, I want more than anything for him to come out the cage. Even if he never becomes tame I just want him to stretch his wings!
How did he act when you opened the door? I mean-- it's a bit of a risk---but at the same time, you never know until you try...If he was clipped, I guess you would have a bit less to worry about in that department, but that is controversial (as you well know---and could also upset him). If you could keep things calm and quiet and sit away from him, maybe he wouldn't be as likely to freak out or startle? Like I said--- it's always a bit of a risk...He could freak out if scared...but I guess I just worry about the risk of caging too long because he might get obsessed with his cage etc...Then again, you know him best and so if you think it's too risky, don't do it until you are comfortable.

I probably WOULD wait until it is closer to evening/dinner in case he doesn't want to go back in...In some birds, that desire to return to their nest will coax them back (because you don't want to have to chase him).
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