Persimmons for parrots?


Dec 29, 2015
Columbia, Maryland
Gloria, BFA, adopted on Jan. 9, 2016 when she was 30 years old
. Her mom went to a nursing home.
Also have 2 cats (Rangerand Luna) and a 24 year old aquatic turtle, named Elvis.
Just bought 2 persimmons to try as I've never had them and I love most fruits. Is this something i can share with Gloria (BFA)?:green:
Just bought 2 persimmons to try as I've never had them and I love most fruits. Is this something i can share with Gloria (BFA)?:green:

I am certain that you are not going to find very much as to whether Persimmons are safe for Parrots. Although, they have been available in North American for near a Century, they have primarily been available in specialty stores in South Western USA with limited distribution outside of that region.

There appears to be a want for them to be ripe for their flavor to be enjoyable for most people. In addition, there is also a want for them to be peeled prior to cutting, and that the peel, not to be eaten -but there is disagreement on that subject. That likely due to the peel being bitter(?) or(?).

There is nothing regarding any specific toxins that exist or may be held by the (Human) body.

Sorry, not able to provide anything further, with hope other's may have more experience with this fruit.
Ugh persimmons. We have a persimmon tree in the backyard. I hate that thing. I don't personally care for the fruit. It's a ginormous haven for all types of nocturnal vermin and wild birds (when the fruit ripens), which bring the dog out barking spastically all night waking all within earshot. Then we have a giant mess when the finches drop little pieces of fruit and juice all over the place. You know how birds eat. Then the mess when it drops overripe fruit and leaves. This year I was on top of the problem though (quite literally with a ladder and tools). I trimmed it and harvested several hundred fruit (to give away), and came in hours later covered in dirt.

So at least I see the wild birds eat it, and I assume that they, like any wild animal knows what to eat and what not to. They're back everyday for more, unless like this year I didn't give them a chance to come.

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