Pinky greys


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Plymouth, UK
hahns macaw
Has anyone else noticed that some African Greys are quite pink (some very) around the eye? I wonder if there is a reason for this. Are there any breeders here that maybe could give us an insight to this or is it just genetic?
Mishka has a little bit of pinkness around his eyes,
I notice is more at night, perhaps because he is tired. I have got absolutely no clue.
I surfed the net, not much info available.

African greys have they ability to blush just like macaws. The skin surrounding the face takes on a pink hue when they are excited, stressed, happy or hot. It is normal.
However, if pinkness occurs around the nares and stays the bird may have an upper respiratory infection or irritation or the nares.
Ruby is lovely snowy white on her face and does blush from time to time. Jady-Jade blushes often, especially if we aren't doing exactly what she wants us to do.

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