Please give any Idea

Blue F amazone

New member
Feb 7, 2008
Hi birdlovers,

My name is Doniyor. 2 weeks ago I bought Blue Front Amazone...Jakob(male, 4years old ), it is hanfeeded and can say some words(...Jakob) and whistle different melodies. I have seen how former keeper could hold Jakob on his hand. I never kept this kind of big bird before I had only budgies.

I have question for people who has second had parrot espesially Amazone.
It seems my Jakob is social enough...although I bought 2 weeks ago he is flying and sitting on my head, talking but problem is when I make closer my hand to him his trying to bite me and gave him to bite me and he is doing slightly not painfull. He is doing it every time when I try to take him on my hand and also escapes sometimes. But unlikely in his cae he is putting his had to the wall of cae and gives me opportunity to pet him.

Please if you know something about this kind of behaviour let me know and any kinf of suggestions.

Thank you in advance
Since you've only had him 2 weeks, and it seemed that his previous person handled him easily, he may just be trying to show he's the boss.

Do you know why his previous owner got rid of him? How old is he?

Do you tell him 'Step up' or another command when you present your hand to him?

My best advice would be to establish boundaries. Amazons are great birds, but you have to always establish that you are in control.

Do you notice any difference in the situation between the times where he tries to bite you and when he doesn't? (i.e. he's in his cage, or higher than you, etc)
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I suspect two things may be involved with him not wanting to be picked up:
-Jakob "knows" that if he gets on your hand that he'll be put back in his cage,
-Jakob doesnt trust that your hand is a good perch.

I'd suggest to have Jakob step up on your hand, reward him, then let him go back where he was. That way he will learn that stepping up gets him good things without loosing the opportunity to keep doing what he was doing.

It is good that he has some bite control, he bites to communicate without biting to hard. You dont want him to control everything, but you should respect and acknowledge this form of communication. If you dont he will have to resort to actual biting.

Remember also that in the bird world Height makes Right. Some people say that you should never let the birds head be above your chest. I am skeptical of any rule that says always or never, however it would probably be good if he was not allowed to be on your head this early in getting to know you - establish that you are in charge first, then such freedoms may be earned.
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Since you've only had him 2 weeks, and it seemed that his previous person handled him easily, he may just be trying to show he's the boss.

Do you know why his previous owner got rid of him? How old is he?

Do you tell him 'Step up' or another command when you present your hand to him?

My best advice would be to establish boundaries. Amazons are great birds, but you have to always establish that you are in control.

Do you notice any difference in the situation between the times where he tries to bite you and when he doesn't? (i.e. he's in his cage, or higher than you, etc)

Hi thats great that I can get some info and someone just thinking about rised problem...Thank you guys!

1. Previous owner said that his girl friend is no more together with him and he cant keep Jakob alone because working in Germany(We are in Denmark)...etc. cant play with Jakob. But I did not feel that he wants to get rid of Jakob...he gave me big expensive cage with transportation equipment with toys so I think he did not have a problem.I have been in his appartment and saw everth.
2. I present my finger when he puts on cage his head to pet.
This what you said about time, I think there is not relation between, but your point about higher or lower he is sitting is VERY INTERESTING!!! because when I am higher its very difficult even to come closer and when he is flying to my head and I try to sit he flies back to higher place.
Its very interesting what this kind of behaviour means? Please describe if you know about something.
Another behaviour he takes my finger and trying to bite like something unusual and separate object, of course not painy biting (and its every time)

P.S Why I am asking because it can be same behaviour in all Blue fronted Amazones

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I suspect two things may be involved with him not wanting to be picked up:
-Jakob "knows" that if he gets on your hand that he'll be put back in his cage,
-Jakob doesnt trust that your hand is a good perch.

I'd suggest to have Jakob step up on your hand, reward him, then let him go back where he was. That way he will learn that stepping up gets him good things without loosing the opportunity to keep doing what he was doing.

It is good that he has some bite control, he bites to communicate without biting to hard. You dont want him to control everything, but you should respect and acknowledge this form of communication. If you dont he will have to resort to actual biting.

Remember also that in the bird world Height makes Right. Some people say that you should never let the birds head be above your chest. I am skeptical of any rule that says always or never, however it would probably be good if he was not allowed to be on your head this early in getting to know you - establish that you are in charge first, then such freedoms may be earned.

Thank you very much!

Its good that I can get info from you.

I think comunicating by means of biting is not this situation because sometimes it seems that he bites with agression like defending form enemy.
Sometime when he gives his head to pet himself he suddenly biting!!!
What it can be? and commented about head level above. please if you know smth. about give comment.

If I understand that correctly, you said he bites you after putting his head down to be pet?

Is he molting? When birds are molting (loosing feathers / growing new feathers) they can be very sensitive. Perhaps Jakob wants to be pet but it hurts him when you pet a pin feather. [Pin feather = new feather with sheath]
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If I understand that correctly, you said he bites you after putting his head down to be pet?

Is he molting? When birds are molting (loosing feathers / growing new feathers) they can be very sensitive. Perhaps Jakob wants to be pet but it hurts him when you pet a pin feather. [Pin feather = new feather with sheath]

So happy its you again,

oo you know...I describe you is it what you mean. In cage walls(on cage floor also) many white and small feathers (without colour) and when he is flying droping some big coloured feathers. Is it moltin process?

Yes, this sounds like molting.

Here is a picture (not mine) I found showing pin feathers:

The white sheath is still on new feathers. In nature birds preen/groom each other to remove these white sheaths. As our pets they sometimes want our help with this - but they are very sensitive. If Jakob has feathers like these you can try gently pinching them to break open the sheaths. Or you can just be patient and wait for his molting to end.
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Yes, this sounds like molting.

Here is a picture (not mine) I found showing pin feathers:

The white sheath is still on new feathers. In nature birds preen/groom each other to remove these white sheaths. As our pets they sometimes want our help with this - but they are very sensitive. If Jakob has feathers like these you can try gently pinching them to break open the sheaths. Or you can just be patient and wait for his molting to end.

OK, and can Jacob take a bath?

And you did not comment about head level between me and Jacob, is there any theory about it?

Thank you

OK, and can Jacob take a bath?

Yes! In fact, bathing should be increased to a good soaking daily when your birdie is moulting. This really helps with softening up those feather casings and also increases a bird's desire to preen (which helps remove those yuckie pin feathers).
bathing would help. Spray bottles work great. Whenever I spray Auggie a bit he finishes the job by diving into his water dish and going crazy - so I make sure he has fresh water first.

As far as height (head issue): it sounds like molting is the main issue here so it should not be a big concern. However many people advise that the birds head should never be above your chest; that is the "theory". I have never adhered to that. Auggie climbs around on my shoulders all the time. However when he does start showing a bad attitude he is restricted to being on my lap, the arms of the chair, or on the floor. A couple days of "restriction" generally calm him down.

In other words, if you like letting Jakob on your head it may not be a problem. He may just be biting because of the pin feathers.
Especially with him being 4 years old, I don't think there should be very many height dominance issues. When birds reach their sexual maturity, it may become more of an issue then, if at all.

I agree that it sounds like a molting thing. Try giving him cooked eggs also, they help with his molting. I usually give each of mine half an egg every day when it's molting season.

They're usually pretty sensitive around their head during this time because that's the only place they can't reach with their beak to preen their pinfeathers.

When I help preen Sisqo's feathers on his head, he closes his eyes and you can tell it's so relaxing to him.
... When I help preen Sisqo's feathers on his head, he closes his eyes and you can tell it's so relaxing to him.

Really, there isn't anything better than this time spent together with your birds. That eyes closed, head back, "Oh yeah, right there!" look says it all - "stop and I will tear that finger off" ... When I do it for Ham she just turns to putty in my hands, mac's feathers however are too small to get to ... so I just try to do the best that I can ...

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