Please help!!!! Acting weird and I'm worried...


New member
Jan 16, 2015
I have one bird. He is a Black Capped Conure and his name is Harley. His hatch date is 2/3/2014.
So I woke up this morning and my bird was making more noise than he usually does first thing in the morning. I went and took harley out of his cage like I always do. He started 'quacking' (which is normal for him, not sure why he quacks he has since the day we brought him home) but then started to breathe heavy and it almost sounded like he was going to sneeze but didn't. It was almost like a runny nose (but there's no nasal discharge). Then he started bobbing and rolling his head really fast and I thought he was going to throw up. But he only did it when he was on my shoulder. He did that a total of three times. But then all of a sudden he just stopped doing the rolling/head Bob thing and is acting fine. Should I be worried? He's never done that before and I just hope he's not sick.
What you're describing sounds as if Harley was trying to regurgitate for you. If that's the case, I wouldn't worry too much.

But IF in doubt, take him to an Avian vet. Without a video none of us can really accurately determine what Harley was doing. :)
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I didn't even think to take a video, he's actually going completely normal now. I'll keep an eye on him. Thank you :) I guess I'm loved by harley much more than I thought.
When he "threw up," was he bobbing his head or shaking it side to side? If he bobbed his head, he was just showing his love for you by regurgitating partially eaten foods so you can share his offering without having to work so hard to digest it.

If, on the other hand, he shakes his head from side to side when he expectorates, he is throwing up and should be seen by a veterinarian ASAP.....if he has thrown up a lot a some of it can be collected, you might want to collect what yo can & take it with you to the vet.....

Good luck.....
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He was bobbing his head up and down and kind of rolling it at the same time really fast. It scare me because I've never seen him do that. We brought him home Dec 12,2014 and I think because he was nervous when we brought him home he threw up a little bit once. But hasn't don't it since. I'm going to keep an eye on him and if anything else happens I'll call his vet. He is acting absolutely normal now. He's playing, being loud, eating and socializing. So for now I think he's good. But I'll keep everyone posted.
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So I was able to get a video of what he was doing because he just did it again. However I don't know how to post videos or if I just post the link and it will show up. I think he was too distracted because I had my front facing camera on and he saw another bird but, this is what he was doing.
You can use Instagram (links), upload the video to Photobucket, or to YouTube, and then attach the link.
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He's crazy...: [ame=]He's crazy... - YouTube[/ame]
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His head bobbing was much more the other day but this is what he was doing. Making that sneezing noise and bobbing/rolling his head
NNNNAAWWW!!! Harley is BEAUTIFUL! Giving you kisses, grinding his beak (= he's content), and YES, he's indeed making regurgitation motions. :D Be prepared to get fed. :54:
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NNNNAAWWW!!! Harley is BEAUTIFUL! Giving you kisses, grinding his beak (= he's content), and YES, he's indeed making regurgitation motions. :D Be prepared to get fed. :54:

Thanks :) well now I know I don't have too much to worry about except him trying to feed me... Yay. Haha guess he loves his momma. He truly is my little man. I love him to pieces. He has been trying to steal my apples and peanut butter when I have my breakfast. He gets spoiled. A little... ;)
Aww...what a little cutie! When my sun started head bobbing I didn't know what he was I found out quickly!
Hehe yeah the "quacking" is the sound of his beak grinding. He's so darlin'! He loves you so much--er, maybe a little too much unless you like literal leftovers.... :D
Ha, my conure Genevieve does the quack as well.
I was told when I got her last year that the quack is the noise they make when they're unsure of something, or scared. She did it a lot when I first brought her home. It's kind of an... apprehensive curiosity sound?

But now Gené does it because she knows it's a funny noise. I quack back at her when she does it, and she gets a kick out of that.

...Unless you're talking about the beak grinding, which is very good. Means they're super happy!

Like others have said, that's definitely him regurgitating at you! He loves you so much :D
Harley is a stunningly handsome boy! I've never seen a black capped conure other than photos, WOW! Harley's wild about you, it's obvious! Very sweet video and beautiful pics.
He is regurgitating at you which means he loves you! LOL My gcc did that too when he was younger. :) that's totally normal I think. I was freaked out too when I first saw that! :D
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Thanks guys :) he does the beak grinding a LOT and he does quack. He does it when I ask him a question or if I call him a silly boy. I have a video some where of him quacking. Since I brought him home he has been such a wonderful addition to my family. He actually just took a bath. As far as him loving me, if I'm not within his sight he starts calling out for me. If I vacuum he yells at me, but when I walk away to put the vacuum away he cries for me. He gets so excited every morning when he hears that my boyfriend or I am up. He starts quacking, or making this 'purring' noise. He also makes this noise that sounds like a cart with a squeaky wheel. He's too much sometimes!
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That's conure for I love you... nothing at all to be concerned about. He's not sick.
Thanks guys :) he does the beak grinding a LOT and he does quack. He does it when I ask him a question or if I call him a silly boy. I have a video some where of him quacking. Since I brought him home he has been such a wonderful addition to my family. He actually just took a bath. As far as him living me, if I'm not within his sight he starts calling out for me. If I vacuum he yells at me, but when I walk away to put the vacuum away he cries for me. He gets so excited every morning when he hears that my boyfriend or I am up. He starts quacking, or making this 'purring' noise. He also makes this noise that sounds like a cart with a squeaky wheel. He's too much sometimes!

Pair bond birds.

You're it!
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Quacking Conure: [ame=""]Quacking Conure - YouTube[/ame]

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