please help! baby budgie Rufus.


New member
Aug 4, 2013
Hi everyone, so I am new here and I will take the time to introduce myself later.
So we have budgies and they have had some babies, my dad breeds budgies, she has 3 fully developed babies and from the same clutch she has a little one who is barely got full feathers. So the three came out and mummy bird kicked out the baby baby. We put him back in and she kicked him out of the nest box. :( she has now layed an egg and last time when she layed an egg with a baby in the box she killed the baby. This little one is gorgeos so I couldnt let anything like that happen to him! I have put him in a nursery cage and have some parrot formula which I am trying to feed him every 4 hours 4 times a day.
So my problem is: he doesn't eat a lot and his crop doesn't seem to be full because he won't eat much! So how can I get him to eat a good proper amount? And what is a good proper amount? Also little Rufus only weighs :30 grams. Is that ok/ a healthy weight?
Any help will be so much appreciated! :) thank you Penny xx
hens will 'kick out' baby chicks if there is something wrong with them.

I too had to learn the hard way with this and let nature takes its course.

how old is your chick?, and what formula are you feeding it?
the temperature should be hot but not too hot.
make sure it's not too thick or watery, something in the middle should be fine.

you must keep the chick warm, with a heating pad on LOW, put a towel over it.

I can help you a bit more with more info please.
You also need to feed it more often than every four hours as well as a couple of times in the middle of the night. Budgies are very small and have a fast metabolism so, if you don't feed often enough, they become weak and lose the feeding response.

Please ask your father to do more research about breeding because we are now in molt season and preparing for the rest season.
first off be very careful when feeding you dont want to choke the abby or give him burnt or cold crop, temperature should be between 102%F-110%F. Make sure to keep the baby warm all day and night and snuggly add some stuffed animals to the nest yo ahve him in he will like to snuggle against them. Heres a feeding guide.
3 weeks old: 4 feedings every 4 hours Just fill those crops until they look and feel like a full balloon. At 3.5 weeks old, the babies will start to chew on their bedding. This is the time to introduce “big bird” food
4 weeks old: 3-4 feedings every 6 hours Never drop their feedings to three until you know that they are eating the normal food on a regular basis.
5 weeks old: 2-3 feedings every 12-8 hours (babies can feed from 7-10 ccs at this point.)
7 weeks old: A baby should wean at anytime now. If they do not cry for their evening feeding, then do not give it to them. At 7 weeks, we introduce cooked foods, fruits, sprouts, and veggies. The babies will see the adults eating the food and will follow their lead.
8 weeks old: Weaned usually.
Also you should separate the parents if they are breeding and laying again back breeding will out too much strain on the parents and isnt healthy for them. Good luck!
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Hi, thanks to those who answered for the information they gave. Well there isn't anything!wrong with my baby apart from the fact that his older siblings have probably sat or tramoled him so he has a funny leg. But its fine and he isn't in pain and can walk, balance on my fibger, climb and flutter absoloutely fine.
As for how old he is I think he is about 3.5 weeks - 4 weeks old but I can't be certain.
The formula I am feeding him is one which was given to me by a famiky member of mine who runs a bird shop here in devon and he has it for the baby parots/ and birds he hand raises in the shop.
I have raised - hand raised two conure chicks before and it all went fine and I know what to do but Roo is different and I have never done a budgie and a tricky one for that who isn't keen on taking food.
I don't have a pet heat pad but I have a microwaveable fleece one which I could just microwave for a shot time?!?
Well as for night feeds I don't think he needs them as he isn't that young!
Hes a tough litte thing, loves spending time with me :) for instance e hates to be put down and has spent all day with me.
Thank you for the temperture and stage feeding information.
He has a really soft bunny toy iñ his cage.
Well I cnt et him to eat enough for his crop to fill which is what I wanted; sone tips for how to get a baby budgie to hand feed. How to encorage them how to get them to be interested.
Thanks for the channels.
Thank you all for the info and just some tips woukd be great. Penny x
Glad you have done this before I would still do night feeds though.
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Hi, umm..... what I don't get is why? I mean I know its so he doesn't get hungry but ..... he gets fed 1st thing in the mornings. So I don't see why he would need it? Xxxx
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Hi, so I have fed him this morning and he took some but still its not enough to gt his crop to buldge even a tiny bit. Its probably be mentioned by u guys already but what amount of food should he be taking?
Also he has this hard lump in his throat where his crop should be so is that undigested food or is it normal? - please say normal! :/
He is asleep now on a heat pad and I am taking thid this time to ask as I am worried about my little Rufus. Please give any advice you think will be helpful as any info/advice will be most appreciated! Thank you. Penny xx
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My baby budgie rufus has just dislocated his leg or something! :'( :'( he was asleep on me and then I noticed his legs were splayed out the back, flat down on me to I really cwrefully pickd him up and it now sticks out the back all floppy. He can't stand or hold his own weight like before. Please someone tell me what I can or should do. My parents aren't home so I can't rsh him to the vets. What can I do? He is allfloppy and is asleep now. Pleaseplease someone help. Am so crushed with worry and I am panicing!!!

My baby budgie rufus has just dislocated his leg or something! :'( :'( he was asleep on me and then I noticed his legs were splayed out the back, flat down on me to I really cwrefully pickd him up and it now sticks out the back all floppy. He can't stand or hold his own weight like before. Please someone tell me what I can or should do. My parents aren't home so I can't rsh him to the vets. What can I do? He is allfloppy and is asleep now. Pleaseplease someone help. Am so crushed with worry and I am panicing!!!

Can you get a picutre? I was going to say to your earlier posts (just seen thread) that he sounds like he's got a splayed leg, that will need to be looked at. In all honestly, unless you know what you're doing, I'd say wait until your parents are home and get the poor guy to a vets asap. You don't want to be tampering with things and making it worse, joints and stuff at this age are very malleable and 'easily fixed' but you don't want to 'break' anything further.

Just keep him stationary, keep him in a dark and quite place and ensure he still eats. Contact your vets and ask for advice.
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Hi, thanks for the advice but its too late now. My little Rufus has passed away :( :(
I am uterly heart broken but thanks anyway.
Hi, thanks for the advice but its too late now. My little Rufus has passed away :( :(
I am uterly heart broken but thanks anyway.

Sorry for your loss and sorry I couldn't help any earlier. Sometimes nature is cruel and sometimes we should just live and let live. Momma knew there was an issue, even though it seems heartless in our eyes.

Sorry again for your loss.
Aw I'm sorry he died. I think his momma knew there was something wrong with him. You did all that you could, so don't feel too bad okay.
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Thank you and I didn't mean it like that - it probably wouldn't have made any difference if it was sent before or after so don't feel bad. I know I did everything but I just cqnt believe it, he was going to be mine, my baby. Thanks for the lovely comments penny xxxxx
Ok here's the deal, IF you can't get heating pads, get a 10g aquarium and get two clamp on shop light and use two 60w light bulbs, that's sufficient to keep a youngster warm! IF you can get some pictures, it would help to describe what your talking about with the laying position. IF the crop have a hard lump, it means either you didn't let the crop fully empty before feeding, you started feeding while there's still seed in the crop sac, or you mix the formula too thick. You need to feed him some warm water and gently massage the crop sac to loosen it up, but he might need a crop wash done as there might be further complications if you don't empty it out. IF you never done a crop wash, you need to bring him to the vet to have it done or you can easily aspirate them.

Breeding birds is about knowledge and know what to do when problem arises, you don't just breed them and expect them to pull through without understanding the problems that may arise.
Well, I didn't read the second page but it was part of my suspicion when you mentioned the hard lump in the crop sac. He was suffering that's why he stretched out like that, without understanding the stuffs you must do to help him, he dies slowly.

I really do suggest you guys to further you education about breeding before proceeding any further!!!
this may help on a temporary basis only, until you seek out a vet.

I had a baby cockatiel with severe splayed leg, and used the sponge method for 4 weeks!....his leg improved 60% but will never be right, but gets around just fine.

[ame=]?????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? - Fixing Splayed Legs in Chicks?? - YouTube[/ame]
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Hi, I saw that one but obviously it won't help us now bt thank you anyway for the video.
Obviously you didn't. Well I was wrong he didn't have a hard lump in his crop so I didn't 'mix the formula too thick' or feed him before his crop emptied. I understand fully and so does my dad who has been breeding budgies since he was 20. All I wanted was some tips to get an older budgie to hand feed whoch i think some people miss understood by my 1st thread.
Also not to sound ...... well whatever, he wasn't suffering- little roo was fine but unfortunately nature decided otherwise.
Sory to sound argumentitive and snobby/defensive but I just don't think that some of your opinions were fai and I think u should fully read a thread first because its a sore subject so I don't like having to re - tell people he didn't make it.
But thanks to those who were sympathetic and truly helped.
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hi guys,
sorry for yesterday :( i wasnt having a good day and what i said wasnt really very fair.
i am thankful for everyone for taking their time to try and help me. so thank you all very much.

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