please help/sick parrot


New member
Apr 13, 2018
I have had luther, an alexandrine for 7 years now and he has been a healthy bird but over the past 7-10 days he has been what i think is trying to clear his throat in the morning and at night.

he widens his throat and its almost like he is trying to regurgitate but with a cough/raspy sound as he does it. i took him to the vet and they sent info to the bird specialist and she told me to change his pellets as his coat could be better and to take a video when i catch him doing the coughing again.(which i managed to finally do today)

the vet isn't open yet but as soon as it is i will take him straight down. until then does anyone have any ideas? im getting so worried now I love the little guy very much
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So first step would be vet - we know you've sorted that and it's ongoing, so moving on.
I assume if anything was stuck, it would be during the day as well. Are you home during the day? Would you see it?
Respiration could be impacted by the weather, would could be serious - but again, that's a vet thing and you're already doing what you can.
Anyone had a cold at your place lately, or been extra tired? True story - the first time my bird sneezed I nearly raced him to the vet. It took me a second to realise it was a very clear mimic - a human sneeze, not a parrot sneeze.

Are you able to post the video? Please let us know how you get on.
Good work. I would take the video, and deal and visit directly with the avian specialist.
What kind of parrot is Luther? Wrench’s suggestion to see the avian vet is good. Avian vets have additional training to help them identify health problems in birds. Birds are very good at hiding any signs of illness until it’s too late.
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just back from the vet. they are going to get in touch with the avian specialist and see if they can get me an appointment today or tomo.

I really hope he is going to be ok I just dont understand whats going on with him its really only in the mornings and at night and then he seems to be fine if a little tired for the rest of the day.

thanks for your replies guys ill keep the thread up dated and if anyone has experience with similar health problems please share them as any info will be appreciated
Just a wild guess ... does he do this after eating? Some parrots do a similar motion to adjust the crop. Was there any change to his diet recently? You might find some videos online of this crop adjusting to see if that looks like what Luther’s doing.
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vet phoned back. the specialist is on holiday until next wed. unreal. They are going to check for other vets and give me a phone back but I think ill have a look online myself while im waiting. id phone them myself but i dont have enough money for a top up. turning into a very stressful day but luther just spent ten minutes on my shoulder chewing up a cardboard box i just dont know whats going on in that little noggin of his.
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Just a wild guess ... does he do this after eating? Some parrots do a similar motion to adjust the crop. Was there any change to his diet recently? You might find some videos online of this crop adjusting to see if that looks like what Luther’s doing.

he is an alexandrine male
He is not eating during these events but I did think/hope that that was just the case. No it seems to be just as he is waking up/going to sleep he will start to cough or sneeze while trying to almost regurgitate something up. its the cough he does during it that worries me and today he looked like he was gasping everytime he did it, taking in little heavy breaths but his breathing is fine. this has been going on now for about 10 days in total with the first day being a lot of coughing all during the day with the rest of the days being usually night and morning
Are you sure he isn't just yawning and adjusting his craw? Mine do a movement similar to the one you are describing from time to time. It's possible he just discovered this activity and is making use of it to the fullest. Parrots are like that sometimes they start doing something they just learned over and over.
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So first step would be vet - we know you've sorted that and it's ongoing, so moving on.
I assume if anything was stuck, it would be during the day as well. Are you home during the day? Would you see it?
Respiration could be impacted by the weather, would could be serious - but again, that's a vet thing and you're already doing what you can.
Anyone had a cold at your place lately, or been extra tired? True story - the first time my bird sneezed I nearly raced him to the vet. It took me a second to realise it was a very clear mimic - a human sneeze, not a parrot sneeze.

Are you able to post the video? Please let us know how you get on.

tried to pm you itchy but I need several more posts before i can. here is what i sent.

hey itchy,

from your av i am guessing you have alexandrines too? as for luther, no he isnt doing it during the day although on occasion he might but not like the mornings and night time. he is eating fine, giving him nuts fresh food and pellets until the proper pellets come in. today he has been hanging in his cage squacking and waving his wings but he seems ok now was on my shoulder for 10 minutes playing with a cardboard box. its just so hard to get a feel for whats going on with his body and mind i wish i knew.

i will try and upload the video now
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Are you sure he isn't just yawning and adjusting his craw? Mine do a movement similar to the one you are describing from time to time. It's possible he just discovered this activity and is making use of it to the fullest. Parrots are like that sometimes they start doing something they just learned over and over.

i think it just seems far too intense for adjusting. The only thing I can think of is he has some kind of bird cold. i just dont know. i am going to try and upload the video to give you guys a better idea
Please do upload the video and show us, sometimes explaining it in words doesn't always give us a true image of what's going on.
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Please do upload the video and show us, sometimes explaining it in words doesn't always give us a true image of what's going on.

The phone won't open with my laptop so I am having problems trying to get it online. I will see if my friend can help when he gets home from work the only thing I can do is try and get the webcam working and record the video on my phone.
I'm just chiming in to applaud you for your energy and effort towards getting a specialist's evaluation. I wish you and your bird all the luck in the world. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Do you have a smart phone that can download YouTube and you ca just upload it via that?
Sorry to hear Luther seems unwell. Kudos for seeking vet attention!

As others suggested, dealing directly with a certified avian vet is best. So many differences between dogs/cats and birds, so a specialist is key to diagnosis and treatment if needed.

You may be observing "crop stretching" though a video will be helpful. Are his droppings abnormal? Weight loss is a critical measure of health. A sensitive gram-scale is best, often one used for cooking or weighing small pieces of mail.
Oh goodness me, how stressful!

I would agree with you from what you've said, it's the noise and the breathing difficulties that should more worrying. He might have something slightly stuck in his crop and he notices it first thing in the morning when it's empty and tries again to loosen it just before he goes to sleep.

I hope it's sorted soon.

I'm a bit worried about what you said about not being able to get top up for your phone. I'm just using the opportunity to bang on about pet insurance, which is very close to my heart. Unexpected vet visits can be pricey. Are you in the UK? If so I would suggest having a look at bird insurance, I pay about £14 a month for £1500 of cover... Don't know what is available in the rest of the world.
I'm sorry to hear about your birdie. Always take the birds to a Avian vet. You surly know your bird by now. Usually when birds so signs of illness they are really sick. My first bird ( Blue front Amazon) had birds HIV. So he was always sick. I had several signs that he bird showed, such as -like something is in his/her throat the yawning your bird does. I could open his mouth and actually see his throat was very red and white. Try this just to look. It took nine months to get him better. As to the coughing that does not sound good. You need cultures of the throat and blood work. Please let me know! Michele
Dear all

A tea made out of holy basil, given about once a week helps maintain general health and can even ward off minor illnesses. You have to boil about 500 ml of water. Once the water is boiled, place about 7 to 8 leaves of Holy basil. Allow the water to cool down and then pour in your bird's water bowl. It helps build the immunity of the bird.


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a quick update,

Went to the vet today to ask if they have found someone else who can help. they said they will be in touch with me today. I went to a couple of pet shops and asked but it seems the one I mentioned with the vet on holiday is one of the only specialists in glasgow (uk). If anyone knows of any vets I have maybe missed please let me know.

I managed to get a proper video today of luther this morning but i am not sure where to upload the video?

Thank you for all your help and kind words. He is eating a treat stick of fig and nuts that i got him and lacreesha and they seem happy enough but that doesnt take the worry away.

the vet suggested i give them harrisons corse high potency pellets which are supposed to be excellent at helping with a parrots feathers which luther defo needs as he is a bit rough at the back. they are at the post office so i will be picking them up today.

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