Preparing for puberty/behavior


New member
May 17, 2016
Lewisburg, West Virginia
2 year old Ruby Macaw named Beaker
I'm new to this forum, but I've owned my Ruby Macaw for approximately 1 year and a half, and he turned 2 years old from his hatch day yesterday. He is the first bird I have ever owned, but my husband has had a family parrot before.

To my understanding, he is supposed to be starting puberty soon, and I want to be prepared for this time in his life. To be completely honest, he has an interesting personality as is.

My household includes my husband, two cats, and my ruby. He is ridiculously spoiled and has the freedom of a cat, but is trained to only stay on his perch or on top of his cage. He also has the ability to fly from room to room to his cage or his perch. The only time he is in his cage is if both my husband and I are not home or if we are on vacation, and my neighbors swear that they've never heard him scream. This isn't the only weird part... the weird part is he exhibits no cage dominance, screaming, or biting.

He is a ridiculously calm macaw, who only screams if the vacuum is on, or if there is a heard of deer in the backyard. He doesn't even play favorites with my husband or I. My husband has told me he has never had a tantrum either, since I don't know what macaw tantrums look like. Has anyone else had a low maintenance macaw like this? I suppose it's not an issue, but I'm hoping puberty doesn't change in behavior, and if it does, I want to be prepared for it so that I can keep him this way in to adulthood.

Please advise! Thank you! :red1:
Oh he will be ripping golf ball sized pieces of meat out of you, learn to projectile urinate on you, never accept head scratches from you again, and run up any credit cards you leave lying around. Actually I have no idea for macaws, but I read that puberty onset is later in macs and varies from bird to bird, with some not far off my description above, except for the credit card thing, to owners barely noticing a difference.
Each bird is different.
Hi and welcome to you and Ruby. I have never had a Macaw but your Ruby sounds you have any pics or videos? You are right to be prepared and learn about all their bluffing and adolescant behaviour and I thought you might find some helpful answers among the threads on this link
There are lots of Macaw moms and Dads here and Im sure they will be able to help answer any questions you may have...only once ever did I have the privilidge of having a Blue and Gold Macaw step up onto my arm and she was a lot like your Ruby very laid back. They are Beautiful Parrots. Hope you enjoy the forum :)
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Thank you! There are a couple of pictures on my profile. My husband has all the videos! I'll try to upload them soon!
Hey sorry if I sounded a little snarky above. Just my own SoH. Lots of good info and people on here, just ask any questions you might have.
Actually I'm wondering the same thing. My GW turned 3 in Feb & I have no clue if he's going to get hormonal. I only know what a hormonal Amazon is like. Kind of scared to see what 2 hormonal Macaws will be like.

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