Pretty much ready for Kyoto to come home!


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
My green cheek conure is just about weaned!! Should be coming home in the next week or two :D


I am just about ready. Can't wait to bring my baby home <3
You must be so excited! It looks like you thought of everything possible to make your new companion feel welcome! Looking forward to homecoming photos.
My green cheek conure is just about weaned!! Should be coming home in the next week or two :D


I am just about ready. Can't wait to bring my baby home <3
I am very happy for you. I'm sure you will really like and enjoy your GCC. As you may have noticed on here also have one. Caillou is now eight years old and I got him hen he was eight weeks old. I trained him to do quite a number of tricks and for a while I did shows with him and had a ball doing it. Maybe you saw his video on here "Caillou The Show Bird." But that video only shows a few of his tricks. And by the way, I see you live in Illinois. You don't happen to leave near Bartlett, Ill. by any chance. I ask because we have a son and his family there and we visit them every spring. So good luck with your baby GCC. They are very intelligent.
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Totally biased opinion here, but green cheeks are the best! You must be so excited to finally be bringing your little one home :D

I remember when I finally got to bring my Genevieve home.
Watching their personalities blossom is so amazing to witness over the months. I can't wait to see pictures of your little one :)
Just curious, what cage is that? I can't seem to find any good flight cages in the UK.

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