Prissy and Smokey's new Cage!


New member
Aug 5, 2013
CHEESECAKE (Pineapple~GCC) 2/4/14

Since they didn't want to be separated and the cages they already had were small.....

I went out today and bought Prissy and Smokey a NEW BIG CAGE!!! They are loving it.... they were inside before I was even done putting it together :eek:


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Wow! That's a huge cage, and it looks like you've got some awesome toys in there, too! Congrats, and I'm glad Prissy and Smokey like it, too. ;)
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Now all I have to do is figure out how I am going to cover this HUGE cage for the night :18_crazy:

any opinions on covering vs not covering the cage at night???
Aww that's awesome, it looks wonderful!

When I cover Oliver's cage he stays quiet for a bit longer in the mornings, just make sure to cover it before they're sound asleep because I did that to Oliver once and startled him and he flapped all around in the dark.
I have four of those cages. Can't beat the price for the size. Your birdies must be very happy!
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I have four of those cages. Can't beat the price for the size. Your birdies must be very happy!

I thought it was an awesome price for the size....PLUS I got it at the sale price on Petco's web sight!!!

How do you cover your cages at night?
I don't cover cages. It's up to you if you want to or not.

Glad they are enjoying their new cage!
Nice big cage for your babies!!! I don't cover my cages at night either, but I do leave a night light on.
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I think I will leave them uncovered for the night. Hopefully all goes well. We are up between 7-7:30 every morning anyway. My husband is up by 5:30.... so I guess it really doesn't matter.
wow, i bet they're going to love it!!

i cover, unless it's too hot in our place. my tiels cage, i take a light sheet and cover half of it in the summer and it can be tricky as i got the cage top playgym... so i kinda wrap it around the outside of the cage and that works for us
I cover the back and sides of Lu's cage but not the front... he likes to see out :)
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Wow nice, it even matches your decor too.

I am a little spoiled... I stay at home with my 19 year old daughter bc she has a disability. Since we spend so much time here my husband is a sweetheart and lets me decorate how I want. The whole reason he said yes to getting our babies is bc he knows we don't have much interaction with the outside world and they give us something to keep us occupied and loved!
That's an awesome cage! Congratulations!

As for the cage covering at night...I also don't cover our cages. But I also don't mind if my birds wake up early and start chirping or squawking.

It's been my experience, with our birds anyhow...that if the house is still quiet, they stay quiet until they hear us start moving around in the morning.

Oh, and GORGEOUS conures you have!

Take care,

I lightly cover the front and sides of the cage with a blanket only because my household is a busy one. Otherwise my fids will spend way too much time watching us when they should be trying to get some shut eye.

I got all my cages through Petco, too. We left the seed catchers off though.
I don't cover cages either, but how about trying a california king size flat bed sheet, maybe choose black that will block more light. Awesome new cage, I am sure your babies will greatly enjoy it !
I would use a big black sheet. I use two small blanket and wrap them around it so it covers everything. But a big thick flannel sheet should work. I love the cage I bet they are super happy!!!
I cover Pippi's cage at night, and I just use a blanket made for a bed (that way it's big enough). That would probably be big enough for yours, too, but I'm not sure what to do about the play top...maybe you could just get a really big cover to fit over the whole thing. Then again, if you're up that early it probably doesn't matter anyway. :)
Your going to love that cage! Sunny and Trixie have one each.

The way we cover is to use clothespins to clip a queen sized bedsheet along the sides of the cage using the bars that are on top as anchors. We leave the top uncovered, since the top is closed, anyway. We just leave a small opening in the front for air and a bit of light from their nightlight.

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