Proper Conure Weight


Oct 17, 2023
Tusli= Black-Capped Conure x1
Good morning - I started weighing Tulsi the last 3 days, thanks to this forum suggesting birds be weighed. Sheā€™s 9mo old. Weā€™ve had her just a bout 5 weeks now.
The first day she was 73g in the morning, yesterday I weighed in the evening and she was 78g, this morning sheā€™s 72g. Iā€™ve been working on transitioning her from all seed to chop and Harrisonā€™s. She chose to stop eating the Nutrisoft I was adding to Harrisonā€™s for the transition and is now on straight Harrisonā€™s for pellet. And the chop of course, sheā€™s definitely eating both and quite well. Whatā€™s a proper weight for her?
It seems to be right
1698242215125.png says 70 g, so 72 seems to be right
(I chose the black capped conure because I see it's your birb's species)
Also, now that we've established that you're in the ballpark, I would recommend choosing a time of day and doing consistent weigh-ins. Arguably, consistent weight is more important than your bird falling into a certain range... you want to be able to notice sudden drops in weight (or if her weight suddenly goes UP, that could indicate a lipoma, but you'd probably also see that visibly).

If on Monday you weigh her after her breakfast and on Tuesday you weigh her the moment you uncover her cage, you'll notice she'll probably weigh less on Tuesday, and it'll be hard to identify if that's because of weight loss or if some of the Monday weight was just food in her crop. Morning poops are also a consideration, you'll want to make sure she poops at least once before you weigh because they really save it up overnight, lol.

Best time of day to weigh is before breakfast in the morning, but if you decide that the best time for you is noon or whenever else, you'll get the most consistent results by sticking to that time for every weigh in.
Ona (GCC) is still only 63!! She's a petite little thing. I like to joke that she's a mini green cheek.
Good morning - I started weighing Tulsi the last 3 days, thanks to this forum suggesting birds be weighed. Sheā€™s 9mo old. Weā€™ve had her just a bout 5 weeks now.
The first day she was 73g in the morning, yesterday I weighed in the evening and she was 78g, this morning sheā€™s 72g. Iā€™ve been working on transitioning her from all seed to chop and Harrisonā€™s. She chose to stop eating the Nutrisoft I was adding to Harrisonā€™s for the transition and is now on straight Harrisonā€™s for pellet. And the chop of course, sheā€™s definitely eating both and quite well. Whatā€™s a proper weight for her?
What formulation of Harrison's are you feeding her?
Ona (GCC) is still only 63!! She's a petite little thing. I like to joke that she's a mini green cheek.
Some GCCs are definitely larger than others. Same with budgies. Most budgies (not English) weigh about 30 grams but some weigh 25 and some weigh 40. English Budgies can be much bigger.
Rocky is half English and when hatched she weighed about 2 grams but at less than four weeks old she already weighed 55 grams! I always weighed her AFTER her morning feeding because that's how I started and wanted to be consistent. A baby's crop is huge at that age and easily holds 10+ grams of food.
I don't weigh Rocky anymore but I suspect she weighs about 50 grams. She slimmed down from a high of 60 grams while weaning and fledging. I don't think she would have been able to fly with a huge crop full of food. Her mama, Lilibelle (who died this week), was a huge English Budgie at 65 grams- about the size of Ona!
Albie is currently at 80g which i believe is top end of a healthy weight for a green cheek. Shes a very active, fully flighted girlie and the vet said shes in great condition

I weigh her about once a week unless i have reason to worry (like firework season is almost here for us in the uk,last year was pretty bad where used to live ) then ill weigh her daily after he morning poop but before food access so shes as empty as possible
Mine normally weigh in around 72g And AVN likes it.
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What formulation of Harrison's are you feeding her?

Some GCCs are definitely larger than others. Same with budgies. Most budgies (not English) weigh about 30 grams but some weigh 25 and some weigh 40. English Budgies can be much bigger.
Rocky is half English and when hatched she weighed about 2 grams but at less than four weeks old she already weighed 55 grams! I always weighed her AFTER her morning feeding because that's how I started and wanted to be consistent. A baby's crop is huge at that age and easily holds 10+ grams of food.
I don't weigh Rocky anymore but I suspect she weighs about 50 grams. She slimmed down from a high of 60 grams while weaning and fledging. I don't think she would have been able to fly with a huge crop full of food. Her mama, Lilibelle (who died this week), was a huge English Budgie at 65 grams- about the size of Ona!
Right now Tulsi is on Harrisonā€™s High Potency Fine. I spoke with them before putting her on it. We have our first vet appointment on the 30th, I finally found an avian vet that will remove her band.
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Also, now that we've established that you're in the ballpark, I would recommend choosing a time of day and doing consistent weigh-ins. Arguably, consistent weight is more important than your bird falling into a certain range... you want to be able to notice sudden drops in weight (or if her weight suddenly goes UP, that could indicate a lipoma, but you'd probably also see that visibly).

If on Monday you weigh her after her breakfast and on Tuesday you weigh her the moment you uncover her cage, you'll notice she'll probably weigh less on Tuesday, and it'll be hard to identify if that's because of weight loss or if some of the Monday weight was just food in her crop. Morning poops are also a consideration, you'll want to make sure she poops at least once before you weigh because they really save it up overnight, lol.

Best time of day to weigh is before breakfast in the morning, but if you decide that the best time for you is noon or whenever else, you'll get the most consistent results by sticking to that time for every weigh in.
Iā€™ll do with her what I do with myself - weigh in the morning after the potty break and before food šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Right now Tulsi is on Harrisonā€™s High Potency Fine. I spoke with them before putting her on it. We have our first vet appointment on the 30th, I finally found an avian vet that will remove her band.
My Rocky loves high potency ultra fine and the ingredients are similar. I like the ingredients and so does Rocky but she will eat ANYTHING (today it was part of my tuna sandwich). I was told the high potency was too fattening but I figure as long as she eats her veggies and gets lots of exercise it's okay.

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