question about leaving birds for a week or more


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
hi, its been a long time since I posted on this forum but the birds are doing well and Lincoln has a good amount of feathers now.

However a lot has happened in my life recently and it's really affected my mental health negatively. I have decided that I need some extra support that I cannot get from home and thus will be leaving the birds in the care of my parents. My parents would be able to feed them and change their water and the likes however they're not much of bird people and the birds probably wouldn't get a lot of socialization during this time. Lincoln has an open cage 24/7 so be won't be caged but Apollo on the other hand needs to be caged unless supervised for her own safety since she can fly and get into a lot more mayhem. Will they be okay like this temporarily? I dont really plan to be gone more than a week but it entirely depends on how things go. Lincoln might get some socialization because he likes my Dad but as for Apollo she doesnt really like other people unless they hand feed her millet for awhile and then maybe she will step up for them. I hate the idea of leaving the birds but I need to temporarily for my own safety. So is a week or 2 without a lot of socialization going to be okay?
If it's for your own safety, imagine what would happen to your birds long-term if you were harmed. That will answer your question (whether or not the situation is ideal).
You have to be alive and well to care for them and any damage to trust can likely be overcome with time and patience when you return (even if it is not perfect upon your initial return).
Your birds love you, you love them, and they would have a much harder time understanding what happened if you left them for good, so go and get the help you need and good luck with everything.

I'm sorry you are struggling.
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Yes, they’ll be fine. Anywhere you formally board your birds, they wouldn’t be getting out any out of cage time. I’ve done it with Parker at a local parrot store. They are more flexible and adaptable than we give them credit for.

They may be mad at you for a day or two, possibly, but will be ok. No damage done here.
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Hi thank you all for the support and advice. before I got here are some more recent pictures of the fids:

Lincoln decked out. hes still patchy especially around the eyes but the vet isnt concerned and hes improving


and apollo is slowly getting more use to her flight suit. she loves tossing the string around.
I would pay money to get Noodles into a harness easily (I don't push it because she is very scared and will put her head in, but taking it off is a nightmare, which needs to be trained,and as an adult re-home with many fears, this has been a hurdle). When we go outside, it is 3-5 minutes with consent for me to hold her toes tightly on my porch-- the first sign of struggle and we are back inside because she HATES harnesses....I bet I could get her to wear one if I worked on it daily for 1-2 years, but she is 13 now and it often feels overwhelming, especially given the fact that she is so good otherwise! I do feel like I need to work on it though- it just stresses her out so much (and me too!)

I know that a gust of wind, loud car or random bird could cause her to fly, so I am absolutely pro-harness (which is why our "outings" involve my vice-grip hands on her toes....
Good for you for training your tiel to wear one.
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Hi there! Glad to hear from you. I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling right now, but always know you're among friends here. Your birdies will be okay. Good for you for recognizing you need some extra help, and doing your best to take care of yourself, and the birds the best you can. You need to take care of you, so that you can take care of them.

We haven't seen pictures of them in a while. Lincoln looks wonderful! Look at those feathers! You're doing something right, because, wow! I admit, I've had a soft spot for him for a long time. Apollo in a flight suit! Again, wow! Very impressive.

Anyway, please keep us updated. You got this!

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Right, Lincoln looks great! I can see the investment paid off. Get your self right, so you can be right for your birds!
They will be fine. Tell them where you’re going, tell them a range of when you might be back. Let them know you love them. Take care of you.

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I'm sorry, Anna. Wishing you strength, resolve, and a new beginning.

A week or two or three, Lincoln and Apollo ought be fine in the custody of your parents. If you have access to computer/smartphone, perhaps Skype/Facetime will permit some cyber contact. In any case, they will welcome you home with outstretched wings. So will we!

Lovely pics, you are a fine parront!!
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I think the two of them will do just fine! They have each other to keep company and chit chat with.

We had to board Cairo for about 2 weeks once. He did ok and even put on a little weight! He was definitely happy to see us when we returned (might have been the fact he was next to a Major Mitchell cockatoo that kept insisting Cairo go "bye bye"), but it didn't seem too traumatising, except for the fact it was a strange place he was in.

I think it definitely helps your two will be with familiar faces and in a familiar place as well!

Do take care of yourself first. I know some days I have to kinda put Cairo second and myself first, so that I can be the person Cairo needs me to be. And I think Cairo does understand that - he doesn't hold a grudge when I go away, even for work trips. If we don't play for a couple of days, he'll keep himself occupied in the meantime, then is ready to go when I'm ready. They're empathetic creatures, even if they don't always show it.

So I'm glad you're making this decision for yourself and have a place where you can get the extra support you need.
I'm sorry, Anna. Wishing you strength, resolve, and a new beginning.

A week or two or three, Lincoln and Apollo ought be fine in the custody of your parents. If you have access to computer/smartphone, perhaps Skype/Facetime will permit come cyber contact. In any case, they will welcome you home with outstretched wings. So will we!

Lovely pics, you are a fine parront!!

My lifestyle has always included extensive travel with a couple of weeks fairly common. In the old days, the cost of an international phone call was extensive, but today, video chat is common and very inexpensive. So, set-up a defined contact time that works for everyone and make it happen.
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Unfortunately while I was gone contact of any kind wasnt kuch of an option. but I'm back now and the birds seem to be doing well. it looks like Lincoln may have picked a couple feathers but it's hard to tell so that's a little upsetting but hopefully I can get him back on track in no time.
Unfortunately while I was gone contact of any kind wasnt kuch of an option. but I'm back now and the birds seem to be doing well. it looks like Lincoln may have picked a couple feathers but it's hard to tell so that's a little upsetting but hopefully I can get him back on track in no time.

Glad you’re back, and I hope you’re in a better space.

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Welcome back Owlet! I hope things are looking better for you, and glad to hear the birds were okay with your absence.

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Glad you have returned, hope you are feeling better. Time for a nice reunion with Lincoln and Apollo.
your birds will be fine, assuming they know your parents, so even if they have less interaction they wont be spooked by the new humans.

YOU are the most important person here though, so do what you need to do in order to get back to your happy place..... think of the moment you are back with your birds and how happy they will be to see you :)
I’ll keep your birds in my prayers and they should be good! If you can get your parents to talk to them for 5 mins a day I think it will help tremendously! 5 mins is not enough but definitely better than nothing
I think I said this earlier in this thread but in over 42 years, I have never had to rescue either of my birds while in the cage. My previous OWA never traveled with us so she was left home from 3-5 days at a time with no ill effects. I figure that she would stuff herself with the overabundance of food that I would leave and then just lounge around watching TV. Nike has been left alone once for 3 days, again no ill effects but since then we discovered that she is a good traveler so she goes with us now.
I think I said this earlier in this thread but in over 42 years, I have never had to rescue either of my birds while in the cage. My previous OWA never traveled with us so she was left home from 3-5 days at a time with no ill effects. I figure that she would stuff herself with the overabundance of food that I would leave and then just lounge around watching TV. Nike has been left alone once for 3 days, again no ill effects but since then we discovered that she is a good traveler so she goes with us now.

I would personally leave Parker for this long if I weren’t so worried about water bowl condition. I can minimize ability to dirty the water but not fully. I’ve seen what happens to his bowl after a couple days of not cleaning (minimal cage use during the day). The thought of high usage over several days terrifies me.
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yeah unfortunately I wouldnt be able to leave the birds multiple days due to a variety of reasons, primarily because as long as there is seed Apollo will eat it until there is no seed. So part of her diet would be gone day 1 and she'd only have pellets left which isnt a bad thing exactly but she doesnt love her pellets so I worry that she wouldn't eat them after being treated to so much seed. And with Lincoln its limited what health dry food he will eat and I cant put wet food in for multiple days

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