Ralph wasn't feeling well today


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
Ralph wasn't his usual self this morning, but is much better now. :) When I first uncovered and greeted him, he wasn't perched in his usual place. He was rather subdued and disinterested. :( When I brought his breakfast, he wasn't as enthusiastic as usual. He ate a couple fresh peas, and immediately spit them back up. :11: I noticed that he had brought up some partially digested pellets during the night, and hadn't pooped for a while. A vet visit was in order. The vet he usually sees is away for two weeks, and no one else at that office is good with birds, so I had to try another vet. I found one who could see Ralph right away. He gave Ralph a good examination and found him to be in good health-- poops normal, feather condition excellent, nothing seemingly wrong. By then, Ralph had perked up and eaten some of the pellets and seed mix (comfort food for the dreaded car ride) I put in his transport cage. The vet determined that something that Ralph ate yesterday didn't set well with him; there were no signs of illness or infection. He recommended keeping Ralph off fresh fruit and vegetables for two days, and increasing his small daily ration of the seed mix temporarily, while monitoring his activity and behavior. If there are no further problems, Ralph can resume his normal diet on Thursday.

Ralph was much more his usual self tonight, active and vocal. He ate well with no problems, though he did miss his vegetables. He seems to be recovering quickly. :)
What a scare! I'm glad that Ralph seems better this evening, and that you were able to find another AV for him to see. Fingers crossed that he will quickly get past this and be back to normal again (and back to his veggies!)
Oh Gary, I'm so sorry to hear about Ralph's awful day! I'm glad you were able to get him an appointment immediately. Poor little guy, I'm happy to hear he's feeling better and the vet didn't find anything too serious.

Harry and Zeke are sending Get Well wishes to their buddy, Ralph.
Good to hear :) my heart always sinks when things are not right.
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Ralph was back to normal today-- if you can use the word "normal" to describe any Quaker parrot. :D He greeted me cheerfully this morning and immediately untied all the little strings attached to his cage-- the way he usually starts his day. He ate his pellets and some of the seed mix with no problems, but he missed his usual fresh vegetables. He can go back to his regular diet tomorrow. Ralph was active and vocal all day, everything as usual. :)

My old YCA George had occasional digestive upsets, much like Ralph did-- and always bounced back within a few hours, like Ralph did. But it's always best to get the opinion of a vet-- and even better when the vet says that there's no serious problems.
Thanks for the update, Gary! I'm glad Dear Ralph is feeling better! They can scare us so easily. I agree, if there's any doubt, better to be safe and ask a vet. ROFL at your remark about a 'normal quaker'. Please give Ralph some extra skritches from his friends in Texas.

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