Random Baxter Photo


New member
May 5, 2015
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Baxter - Illiger's Macaw (hatch date 5.1.15);

Taylor - Black capped Conure (RIP 3.14.15 - miss you every day little "Girlie")
Yesterday while working on photos I had taken of my son for his 11th birthday, I just happened to glance over my left shoulder and found this....

Besides being curious about how he even managed to get into this position, I wondered what in the heck is was doing. Is he hiding from someone? Has he become a private birdie eye and has been hired to spy on me? Is he reenacting the scene from The Matrix where Neo and company are trapped in the walls of a house trying to climb down and escape (anyone remember that?)?

I love my silly bird!
That's funny!

It looks to me like he's just taking a load off his feet, leaning back against the wall, and letting the wall hold him up...

Just the right amount of space...
Awesome pic!!!
He looks so relaxed just chillin' there.
So cute. Georgie used to do that when I had guests come over (she was afraid of new people until she decided they were safe). But your bird just looks like he is hanging out, not really hiding.

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