Read if you spray your bird with water


New member
Jun 1, 2015
Several years ago I bought this battery operated spray bottle that spits out a fine mist. My Indian Ringneck absolutely adores this for her baths.

I would empty the bottle each time, fill with tap water then spray her. Then I'd put the bottle down next to her cage (with water still in it).

Apparently, some bacteria managed to grow in the water and even though I always, always emptied it and refilled it before giving her a bath, that didn't make a difference. 1 month ago, she breathed in this bacteria-laden mist and is very sick now (I have her boarded in an animal hospital at the moment).

Anyways, don't make my stupid mistakes if you mist your bird. Do not use tap water. Do not ever leave water sitting in the bottle between uses. Make sure the straw tube the water travels through is also kept empty when not in use and everything dries out.

I've had her for 21 years. It's completely my fault. If she dies because of my stupid negligence with the water bottle, I will blame myself for the rest of my life. But if I can keep someone from making the same mistakes I did, maybe it will be a small comfort to me.
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Please don't beat yourself up! Things like this happen. You caught it, addressed it, sharing a warning to others so you've learned and shared. Has she seen a vet and put on an antibiotic regimen?
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a wash in apple cider vinegar would have fixed this? (washing the sprayer, not the bird)

I don't know. If she ever does come home her new spray bottle will be treated like the potential hazard it is and I'll make sure not even a microbe has a chance in hell of stepping foot in it again.
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Please don't beat yourself up! Things like this happen. You caught it, addressed it, sharing a warning to others so you've learned and shared. Has she seen a vet and put on an antibiotic regimen?


Yes, I had her medically boarded for a full round of antibiotics (they did an injection and then medicated her orally). I was able to bring her home for a few days when that course finished, but the infection returned with a vengeance. So she's back staying in the hospital right now and they are doing another round of antibiotics, delivered using a nebulizer in an attempt to reach the source.

I'm hopeful!
I use a spray bottle and guilty of leaving water in it. Thank you for calling it to our attention. I use bottle water to mist him but will not leave any water in it again !!
Thanks for sharing your story and I hope your bird pulls through ok! Kiwi mostly bathes in the shower with us, but I do mist him outdoors in the summer with a bottle. I never really thought about it being a hazard, but will definitely wash and let dry the mister bottle after each use now after hearing this.

And please don't beat yourself up. This isn't really something you could have foreseen happening.

Yes, I had her medically boarded for a full round of antibiotics (they did an injection and then medicated her orally). I was able to bring her home for a few days when that course finished, but the infection returned with a vengeance. So she's back staying in the hospital right now and they are doing another round of antibiotics, delivered using a nebulizer in an attempt to reach the source.

I'm hopeful!

Our amazon came home with a respiratory infection when we adopted him that took 2 rounds of antibiotics to kick. We were not so lucky to be able to afford to leave him at the vet and had to administer by ourselves at home. Sometimes one course of antibiotics just doesn't do the job, as birds are sensitive creatures when it comes to illness. I'm glad she's under vet care with access to the right equipment and professionals to administer the medicine. Hope all she needed was this extra kick of medication to kill the infection once and for all.
Welcome to the forum and thank you for posting this.

I hope this second round of antibiotics does the trick and your little one is able to come home soon.
First of all, I'm so sorry this happened to your beloved little friend. I'm wondering though, what proof is there that the culprit (source of the bacterial infection) was indeed the water bottle?

Please don't get me wrong... I'm just curious what you and your vet are drawing this conclusion from.

If it is for sure from the water bottle, then that is a scary thing to think that it can happen. I stand outside of the shower and shower the birds, but it's hard to reach the front and lower parts with the water without getting too much on the face, so I use a spray bottle for that. I wonder if this is unfortunately a one in a billion freak thing that happened, like saying don't go out in a thunder storm or you can get hit by lightning, or if it's something that has happened to others. Wow, probably impossible to know the answer, so better err on the side of paranoid I guess. Thanks so much for sharing, and I wish you all the best for your girl's speedy recovery.
I understand your pain, but you are paying forward to many folks who also miss this danger! I, fortunately, am very sensitive to mold and mildew. I can't believe how many times I pick up something, food, clothing, etc that stinks so badly and no one else seems to notice it! After a bit of show and tell, they also can pick up on it! I pray for your baby!!
I also use a mist bottle all the time, but in the last three weeks ( since my amazons passing) all I've done is read and educate myself a lot better.i hope your little one goes home soon. And thank u for educating some of those who didn't know. Big feathered hugs.

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