Regurgitation? Bonding?


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Jun 25, 2014
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Okay, so I have two wonderful conures, Cleo & Django. The other day me and my sister witnessed something we've never seen before. Cleo and Django interlocked their beaks and began to bob their heads up and down, with Django's head higher as if he were the one regurgitating. It lasts a couple seconds. When they finish, they both begin chewing on something. I had no idea what they were chewing on, my guess is the food we give them. They do this 2-3 more times.

Cleo and Django are very close, they clean each other, they eat together, and bath together. They are extremely bonded!

I want to know if this is behaviour is healthy, and if it has something to with bonding, because this is behaviour you find with mothers and their chicks :)
I think it's just bonding behavior. Birds will often regurgitate for their owners to show affection. It's perfectly normal for them to be doing this, even if it's two mates versus a parent bird and baby bird.

Just bare in mind that they may breed, so if you don't want them to breed, house them separately (but keep the cages near each other) and let them out together during the day, supervised. Unless, you want to breed them.
Just don't be surprised when one pukes on you as well. Birdies way of saying " I love you".. kinda. Think of it as a box of chocolates!.
Wild to watch my Sun Conure grab my Bluefronts beak and DEMAND to be fed like a baby bird. And the Amazon obliges.
Yeah, it's their way of saying 'I love you'. Another thing they do to express that is spread their wings out and dip there head, as if they are bowing. Also, if they try to preen you.

While I certainly wouldn't "encourage" regurgitation, it is normal for them to do that. When it comes to preening though, nothing wrong with that either. Especially if you preen their feathers, they will want to return the favor. Birds are not selfish at all. Unless it comes to sharing a favorite toy or favorite person. LOL.

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