RIP Peaches


New member
Aug 10, 2011
:green: I came home last night to find that my Blue Front Amazon had fallen from his toy ladder that was hanging and playing on and was laying hurt in the bottom of his cage.
My mother noticed his odd squawks and realized something was wrong. By the time she got him out of the cage, he was non responsive.

I'm really upset because it was 8pm and since his little head just lulled back and forth and he wasn't responding, felt it was too late to contact my vet via her emergency number.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening to another bird? That by falling he could have injured himself so badly that it caused death? Is it possible there was something else we were missing? He was eating fine and feathers looked very healthy. He was 25 years old this month. We're having him cremated.

I'd love any insight anyone might have...
awww i am so sorry for your loss X but i can give no explaination on what happened
I'm sooooo sorry for your loss :( i know what loosing one of your fids can feel like.

I have heard of something like this before, while it is RARE it is possible that peaches fell and happened to land just right on the skull or hit his head off something causing a hemorrhage and explains part of the initial disorientation.
25 is pretty young.I don't think it was a result of a fall,maybe caught up in a toy,or possible seizure resulting in a fall,but i doubt it was the fall that did him in.We really don't know enough about your bird and it's environment to guess but i vote it was not the fall. So sorry for your loss.
:( Im so sorry for your loss.
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Thanks for the kind words. My mom mentioned that at the angle he was playing on the ladder, it was possible that when he fell off he could have hit his head on a perch on the way down.

He made a few soft noises when my mom got him out, but she said he stopped shortly thereafter. He'd been like that about 5 minutes when I walked in the door.

I think I just feel like maybe I should have called the vet, but since he was closest to my mom and she didn't want a necropsy done, I figured after 15 minutes of him not being responsive that she probably wouldn't have been able to tell my anything. I feel like maybe I didn't do enough and yet logically, think there's nothing else I could have done.

I thank you for your insight. It's hard to lose someone I've had since I was 9 and figured he'd be with me when my parents were gone. It's been really strange to not see him perch running for food and calling to me when I'm snacking on something today. :green:
"Death is when life ends and the good memories begin." I got that from Stephen King. I do not think you should blame yourself. Sometimes bad things happen and no one is at fault. It sounds like a very tragic accident.
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I'm so sorry for your loss. (((HUGS))))to you!!!
I know how hard it can be.

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