seizure in severe macaw


New member
Sep 27, 2007
Has anyone heard of a macaw, specifically a severe, having a seizure. last night my 11 yr old severe had what appeared to be a seizure. One minute he was acting normal then he flapped his wings falling off his perch and not being able to right himself. I immediately scooped him up but he didn't seem aware of me. He was breathing through his open mouth, laying in my palm with his legs stretched out behind him, and his lower eyelids were up halfway not moving as he blinked. He eventually pulled his legs under himself but never grabbed my hand to perch. 15 minutes later he flapped again and pushed with his legs then passed away. If anyone has ever heard of anything like this happening please let me know. I have a 13 year old African Grey and I'm worried about possible viruses.
What a sad evening ... :( we are all sorry for your loss. There are no words that will help you, but a necropsy from your avian vet will assure your mind that you grey is safe ... I would say take your Severe's body to your avian vet and have them figure out the COD ...

:( Again, we are all sorry for your loss ...

I am so sorry. I think you need to go to the vet and have a neucropsy done. I have never heard oft hat, but I know most animals have some kind of convulsion before dieing. How old was your bird? Eit her way have a neucorpsy done.
wow- so sad. Sorry for you loss :( I've never heard of that happening.
I'm so sorry.

As Tex said, words cannot express right now, but he's right in the fact that you should have a necropsy done. That may also give you some answers to how/why as well as know whether there is a risk to your Grey.

Again, my sympathy to you, your fid, and your family.
I'm so sorry seizure can be caused by many things heavy metal poisoning heart problems blockages Illnesses even severe stress has caused birds to seizure I would definatly take him into the vet for a necropsy or if not at least take your Grey in for a wellness check up and xray you could be saveing his life. I'm so sorry for your loss it must be devestating.

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