She knows her name. Bad idea to change it.


New member
Feb 9, 2015
Atlanta, GA
SI Eclectus (Ruby) - 11 / Eclectus (Wrangler) - 7 / Eclectus (Pinto) - 6 /
Red Sided Eclectus (Oliver) - 4 mos. /
White Bellied Caique (Dan) - 2 /
Foster Congo African Grey (Molly) - 6
I thought there was no way she remembered her name after five years but I was wrong. She knows her name. Needless to say, Ruby is Ruby, not Persephone. It was done with the best of intentions but since she answers to the name Ruby, that works for me.
Thank-you for allowing her to retain her English name.

I am continually surprised in what pops-out that our Amazon learned in prior homes. Sometimes, well, if the prior owners only knew! Worst Example: Parrots in Bedrooms; sometimes its better to just move them into another room until the Adult activity has moved onto sleep. :54:
I have a bird who came to me with a name that I really REALLY couldn't stand. I changed it, and I use the old name as a nickname between us :) he gets called both and responds to both as well as to "bird" and "baby" which he also says. Funny side note, he also says " ruby ruby" because of another bird he lived with. But for the longest time we misunderstood him and were hearing a B instead of an R ��
I was in your place when I got Parker. His name was Porker. That couldn't stay. I was torn about changing it, didn't know what to do. Eddie recommended we make the new name similar to the old name so we named him Parker.

Perspective is everything right? Removed from the process, I think I felt tortured over nothing. I don't think it's THAT big of a deal if you change it to something completely different. Look, they are nothing if not adaptable. She will learn to respond to the new name. It's certainly not an issue of cruelty. And it might be a nice change to remove the reminder of a terrible past.

Name her whatever you want :)
I've learned to keep my regimes names (roll eyes).I have some winners :) .Some really like their names :)Slick for my Scarlet macaw was the only one I could not do.We call her Tia :)

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