Sick budgies!


New member
Aug 27, 2007
Kai, G2
Lenny, L2
Macai, M2
Peek-a-boo, U2
Lucy, Lovebird
Benji and Lani, Lories
Chili, Conure
Cliffie, Duck
Well I'm caring for about 20 unweaned parakeets that came to me starving and on the verge of dying. Well, my father being the oh-so-intelligent-one he is, put the birds in the same aviary (room) as some other parakeets that were hand-raised and ready to go--completely healthy.
Well, these unweaned parakeets must have a disease of some sort, and I can't take them to the vet because A) I don't have that kind of money for 20 vet bills and B) store owner (dad) doesn't think it's necessary. I'd like an idea of what this could be so that I can take one of the birds to the vet and get the right tests to diagnose it right away. Getting a full workup in my area is too much and if I know the types of tests the birds need, I can plan my money accordingly. If anyone's good at figuring out what this could be, here's the symptoms:
Breathing heavily through the mouth
VERY puffed up
not eating (due to either disease or the fact that they weren't weaned)
Super skinny (possibly due to either disease or being starved)
gets passed on to other birds VERY quickly and other birds show symptoms almost immediately.

Within about 2 days of being housed NEAR the hand-raised parakeets (not in the same cage, but within a few feet of each other) the hand-raised 'keets started showing the same symptoms.
What disease can be passed this quickly and show symptoms this fast??
I want to know not only for the sake of these birds, but also to make sure I'm doing everything possible to not bring it home to my birds!

Any ideas are welcome, and don't worry, I WILL get medical help for them, I can't bring them in until the vet opens again tomorrow afternoon. I'm just doing it as inexpensively as possible since I don't have a large budget.
Where's MINZER when we need her? She's our resident Vet student ... maybe she'd have an idea?

Kais Could you take ONE to a vet and get a workup on ONE and then tell the vet that the rest of the flock is showing the same symptoms ... get enough meds for let's say ... 20?

This really does sound like something that needs to get checked out yesterday ... especially if it is moving through the flock that quickly ...
If it was pdd, it wouldn't show up in body stance. it would show in the poop if there is food not digested and stuff like that. I had to learn about it becausr that was somethign that my bird might have had. Thank God He tested Negative for it.
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I am going to take at least one to the vet, but the vet doesn't open again until tomorrow afternoon or wednesday. She's also VERY busy right now so I have to have a clear idea of the tests and procedures I want done on the bird(s). I THINK I have an idea of what it is; polyomavirus. Sad, deadly, but at least I'll know what to test for. Also, I found out to use bleach on everything since it's the only thing to kill the virus effectively.
here is my two cents...

Breathing heavily and snorring?Phoebus had this and he was almost down with pneumonia...Psitacosis is a type of extra carefull since you don't know what this might be, wash your hands and use alcohol before you go home to your bird as well as wear a surgery mask if you can, it might be sth contageous to people...I might be exagerating but better safe (people and fids) than sorry.....

I hope everything will be fine as soon as possible for all of you!
I am going to take at least one to the vet, but the vet doesn't open again until tomorrow afternoon or wednesday. She's also VERY busy right now so I have to have a clear idea of the tests and procedures I want done on the bird(s). I THINK I have an idea of what it is; polyomavirus. Sad, deadly, but at least I'll know what to test for. Also, I found out to use bleach on everything since it's the only thing to kill the virus effectively.

Cripes Kai - I'm sorry - I gave myself (NOTHING BOARD-WISE) a time out...

What I can say right now, is that given everything you were told you did absolutely everything you could. A vet, which I know was away, maybe could have helped. For those that are still alive, given now, they are in the best of care and for those lost, they were in nothing but the best of care.

What I can say, is, well.. without the unavailable vet care, you gave them care.

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