Sick, sleepy Cockatiel.


New member
May 28, 2016

First, I would like to say that there are no avian vets in my area or any vet that cares for birds.

My Cockatiel has been less active and continually sleeping for 2 days. I consulted the breeder I purchased from and He suggested to give two drops of Himalyas Bonnisan mixed with warm water in a syringe twice a day Bonnisan by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare

Cockatiel's poop is light yellow and not loose. There seems to be no fluid discharge from his nostrils or eyes. Although, he sneezes after scratching his nose and head. I am very worried and literally crying.
He is three months old. I got him two weeks ago.
Please kindly help. I am very worried. Thanks a lot :(



(There seems to be a red spot on one nostril, I suspect that he may have tore his skin near nostril or something


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Jan 25, 2016
Mayo Ireland
Rodney Blue Fronted Amazon
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It is very hard to help when there is no diagnosis and no vet to send you to but are you able to get medication? Im not sure about what you are using (Bonnisan)as its for humans as far as I can see from googling it and I didnt find it used in avian medicine at all in the little I have so far read. I was looking at that poo and wondering could your little Cockatiel possibly be suffering from cocidiosis the information on this link and see if the symptoms are similar to your cockatiels illness but without an avian vet I dont know how you would get the necessary medication to treat it . I hope your little cockatiel gets well soon. Perhaps others might come along who would be more knowlegable and be able to help you more. Hope the little guy gets well soon
Lady Gouldian Finch .com - Coccidiosis
It could also be a problem with the liver but you really need to be sure what you are dealing with as there are umpteen things that could be causing your tiels illness and you really need to find somebody who is competent in Avian medicine to look at your cockatiel. Where do you live...perhaps someone here could be of asdistance in finding you Qualified help
Here is a link thst speaks about yellow poo being associated with liver problems
Here is another link that describes healthy and unhealthy cockatiel poop and again it mentions yellow poop in relation to liver disease.
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New member
Jan 25, 2016
Mayo Ireland
Rodney Blue Fronted Amazon
RIP Mr Biggles White Fronted Amazon , Elsa and Little Nellow the Lutino Budgies, Lady Primrose a Pied Budgie and English Budgies Houdini Popeye and Olive
Bumping this to keep it at the top of the list as this little cockatiel needs help urgently


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Aug 21, 2010
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RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
Your cockatiel definitely appears quite sick, and the abnormal poop is likely an important clue. While an avian vet** is absolutely necessary, you might seek a typical vet who is willing to make professional contact with an avian colleague. A blood chemistry panel is critical, if a sample can be collected and sent to a lab capable of analyzing bird specimens.

Time is very important with a sick bird, and while you may have difficulty finding a vet willing to help, it is worth the effort to try.

In the meanwhile please keep your bird comfortably warm, with access to water and soft, easy to eat food. Please let us updated with his condition.

** In some areas without avian vets, farmers who raise poultry or folks who keep falcons for sport may have access to specialized vets.


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May 28, 2016
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I live in Chennai. There aren't any Avian vets and normal vets do not know about birds here.
I am very worried :/


Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
I live in Chennai. There aren't any Avian vets and normal vets do not know about birds here.
I am very worried :/

I found this link to vets in Chennai. The author is not familiar with the area, but arranged a list by post code. Have no idea how old or accurate the list is, but there are at least 8 or so who claim to work with birds.


Hope this helps. May also try calling a local zoo for referrals?


Jan 12, 2016
USA Nomad
Beau 20 year old male Green Cheek || Jimmy Bullet 17 year old female white cap pionus parrot
Hi ArtMachine,

I hope you have found some local help for your cockatiel already.

The yellow feces usually means there is a problem with the liver. Please make sure there is nothing your cockatiel can get into that could cause heavy metal poisoning (galvanized metal, lead, zinc - check his food bowls and cage bars/toys), and make sure he is not eating any potentially moldy food.

You can try giving aloe juice in water, feeding milkthistle seeds, and/or slippery elm bark. These may help a little until you can find a vet.

Wishing the best for the both of you.


New member
Feb 4, 2015
Hi there, the poop looks a little bubbly to me. You could try giving your bird a VERY weak solution of Apple cider vinegar. And I mean so weak that you cannot taste it ok... maybe a tablespoon to a litre of water. Add a little bit of Manuka honey which you can order online. Manuka honey is a powerful antifungal and antibiotic. Oregano oil is also a natural antibiotic and antifungal - you can put one drop in her water. You must dilute it. It can burn her neat.
That's in case she has something bothering her gut that could be disturbing her liver and kidneys too.
Then: the milk thistle is a very good idea.
Cilantro is very good for flushing out heavy metals.

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