Sitting about wasting learning time?


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Dec 24, 2006
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I am getting into the habit of putting the bird out front of the house in the mornings. Its no fun for me as I keep looking next to my pc desk and he aint there to play with.
He doesnt do anything exciting when I put him outside, he just sits there.
Inside is dark and smells like marajuanna smoke all day, (shuddup! Im on holidays and its legal here).
I am right in thinking he needs fresh air and breeze and other bird noises,
He seems much happier when he thinks he is coming back inside.
I have one week left of holidays so a couple of hours outside on his own will get him used to me being at work. I keep saying this stuff out loud, but m not convincing myself yet.
OOPs,I forgot to ask the question. Are we achieving anything when he is just sitting about doing bugger all? Is that boredom or are we just having a peaceful sit?
when misty is outside she just sits there but she seems to enjoy it she sure likes talking to all the other birds!
Once he gets into the routine of you being at work he will start to enjoy it a bid more I think, at the moment he can't understand why you are in there and he is out side. When Bucc goes outside he is on a harness so he's active, all the others will usually just sit there, except for Flynnie who seems to come alive a little bit. Tweeting and talking to all the birds, squirrels and anything else that happens to come by.
I will give it some time and see what happens.
Ah that explains chilled "butter woulnt melt" birdies stoned

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