Skittles makes it on the 12 News


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Skittles - scarlet macaw
I recognized that spot almost immediately! Hello fellow arizonan :D. Beautiful shot of Skittles!!! Also the comments on it are pretty hilarious...namely the one thinking that she is a pet bird that got out LOL
Beautiful photo! And I'm glad to hear that Skittles has made so much progress!
I love the colors on a Scarlet, and Skittles is a beautiful example! Scenery out there isn't bad either :).
Skittles is a lovely celebrity! Beautiful photo and such great progress after what must have been an awful experience for her. Thanks for rescuing this gorgeous girl!
Gorgeous picture !!!
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I was wrong, she was on the News broadcast too. The weatherman does a segment showing off photos that viewers send in that showcase our landscape and that was one of the images shown on Saturday morning.

What is crazy is that photo now has over 3000 likes and and was shared 367 times on their Facebook page. That is just wild!

Then last night, I went out with my wife to an outdoor mall that has live music and Skittles and our dog Kylie came with us. A couple of guys came over and said "Hey, is that Skittles? We saw her on the News this morning." Next, she will have her own fan club...

Oh wait, she already does:

I actually use that page to promote events about the rescue shelter she came from but it works for her mass following! :D
Congrats Skittles!!! What a fantastic shot of her, no wonder it has so many likes and shares!

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