sleepy area


New member
Oct 6, 2006
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Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure
I have heard quakers like a seperate area in their cage for sleeping - I was wondering what people though about bird buddies versus happy huts or if a rope pearch would be ok as well? What are your expereinces with sleeping type products?thanks
A lot of people with quakers have sleep areas for them it seems, If its in a cosy hut or similar you'll just need to check it regularly, for any frayed threads or such like. But that goes for all birds.

couple of sites with some info.

My tiels love to sleep in their cosy hut, but it seems now that the linnies have taken the big one over, so they love it as well. The bourkes, rosellas and red rump won't even go near the things, Bucc had one once which lasted about 2 days before he had ripped it to shreads :D guess he didn't like it very much.
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Peta said:
you'll just need to check it regularly, for any frayed threads or such like. But that goes for all birds.

Too true, this is very important. You don't want any of your birds strangling themselves or getting a foot caught.

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