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Sep 21, 2014
Pazu - Green Cheek Conure - Hatch Date ~27 September 2014~
I know alot of People talk about this from time to time, I think I've asked about it before? But here I am again...

Pazu, my GCC, Sneezes... that's normal. When we first got him he seemed to sneeze more in bursts (and every now and then one would be very wet, i'd see a little spray on my glasses as he'd normally be on my shoulder) but then he'd be fine for days.
I contacted the breeders I got him from and since he wasn't showing any other symptoms (he was eating fine, still actve/hyper, not any more fluffed up than normal and so on), his wet sneezes didn't seem odd besides being very wet occasionally (looking at the spray he'd leave on my glasses they didn't seem discoloured). The breeders thought it might be dust as I mentioned previously to them that our flat gets unusually dusty sometimes.

I don't count wet sneezes after a bath or after he's had a drink for obvious reasons.

Recent Sneeze that ha me questioning this again:
Today he was napping/sitting on my shoulder and he gave out one massive sneeze, wet, and it sprayed in my eye and on my glasses. Same as before, nothing outstanding except for it being particularly wet.

Could it just be dust? Could it be my hair/shampoo? I had noticed it seems to happen more often (but not exclusively) on my shoulder, and I have should length hair. Anything else?
Anyone else have an Idea?
Although a healthy conure can usually sneeze about once an hour without concern, the wet sneezes might cause me to give my veterinarian a call, if only to quell any concerns I might have. When was the last time Pazu has been seen by his veterinarian.

Since you mention that it seems he sneezes more when on your shoulder, you could change shampoos for a month to see if there is any change, but then, I think I'd still touch base with my veterinarian just in case there is an infection involved.....

Good luck.....
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Well he hasn't seen our vet (he saw one before he came to us) so I guess this is something we needed to do at some point anyways.
I tried giving them a call but the vet is busy and the nurse couldn't offer any advice so I've booked an appointment for sunday (he seems ok so I'm not too worried), so we'll see what they think them.

My vet centre is not Avian specific but they treat animals at a local Zoo, and the Zoo has a big parrot exibit so they should be able to access if they need a specialist (thats how the vet centres around here work it seems, they get a specialist in if they feel they need to)

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