So irritated!!!


New member
Jun 9, 2015
Bella the BFA
Okay I dont mean to rant in the forum about other people's poor decisions. BUT I was bored and looking on craigslist and this is what I found. Some lady is having her 6 months old male indian ring neck for adoption and this is what she says

"I have a male Aftican ring neck parrot for adoption he is 6 moths and the adoption fee 200 he is not the right for me. perfect for a partment since he is quiet, and very independent .. He does not bite me but he bites my husband I really lost interesting on him. if you interested please contact me by email or phone I can give him away for 180"

Okay first of all YOU DO NOT GET A PARROT just because you felt like it. IT TAKES TIME AND COMMITMENT. for her to say that " I lost interest in him" that really upsets me because that is just wrong.. I feel so sad for the baby ring neck.. I am glad that he is still a baby and can be part of a better family.

This kind of thing upsets me too… but many times first time bird owners just don't get it. They don't understand their intelligence and how important being in a loving home is to them :(.

I can't cruise Kijiji for this very reason.
Here's another good one;

"looking for a sweet little cockatiel for our loving family were on a fixed income but we can afford to care for him or her if anyone needs a home for their cockatiel please let us know" - add title says "looking for free cockatiel for family"

IMO - if you can't afford an adoption fee, you certainly can't afford to properly care for a bird… or any animal!
Drives me nuts - the amount of ringnecks I've found in the last two months up for rehoming, because of bluffing behaviours.

Do your research peeps.
Do your research peeps.

So.... I took your advice and this is what I read.

All too often, people that own young parrots wake up to find that their sweet baby bird has turned into a lunging, biting, aggressive little monster! If this sounds like your feathered friend, then don't give up hope -- many birds exhibit this sort of behavior during adolescence.

It's called the "bluffing" stage, and while many parrots go through it, a few species -- most notably Indian Ringneck Parakeets, Senegal Parrots, and Macaws -- are more prone to bluffing behavior than others.

- *sighs*
There have been a lot of ringnecks in my local craigslist as well. One made me feel so bad, the pictures were of a blue ringneck that was just so raggedy looking. I have no way to have a meaningful quarantine here so I can't risk Foo.

There has also been a lot of conures with "free" cages, usually a cage that doesn't look suitable for a parakeet.

then lastly a ton of scam looking hyacinth macaw ones.
This is probably the saddest, woman was selling blue fronted Amazon, said it was perfectly healthy. Before you know it, we came to look, the bird had a tumour the size of a hand under its belly.. The bird looked healthy overall but the tumour was just... Ugh, who could let such thing get out of control like that?
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This is probably the saddest, woman was selling blue fronted Amazon, said it was perfectly healthy. Before you know it, we came to look, the bird had a tumour the size of a hand under its belly.. The bird looked healthy overall but the tumour was just... Ugh, who could let such thing get out of control like that?

Omg that is horrible..! yes I totally agree with you all. First time bird owners should really research first so they know what they are getting in to... I wanted an alexandrian in the beginning but found out that they are not the bird for me after some research. I have done research on amazon and ALSO know that they go through TERRIBLE hormonal stage in their teen and can DEF do a 360 turn on their behavior due to their hormone. BUT!!! ITS NOT THEIR FAULT its not like they want to be terrible monsters.... and with patients and time THEY will get better, although not like how they use to be BUT it gets better! PEOPLE should NOT get a parrot if they are not ready for the consequences .. I FEEL so sad for these birds.. ALSO off topic but I TOTALY FEEL FOR ABANDON DOGS... if i was a GAZILLIONAIR i would totally have a sanctuary for all abandoned abused animals!
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Oh yeah one more thing I failed to mention is that when people ask to either sell their bird or trade it with something else. That really really pisses me off ! How can you offer to trade your baby for another parrot ? Like that is so wrong . You build a friendship and a bond with you parrot and to sell it is already bad but to trade it for another different bird ? That is soooo messed up. I see that all the time on these ads and I get so upset lol
hahahaha I'd rather they lost interest and looking for a home than the ones who lost interest and have forgotten to feed it and when they come back the bird is either dead or so far gone that when they take it to a rescue we have the pleasure of having to put it down. We have had that happen at A Helping Wing a few times since I have been here. Sometimes it is that when the kid has gone off to college the parents forget the bird existed for awhile. Then, you have the ones who tried to get through hormones but created this aggressive defensive monster because they had no idea what they were doing and just stumbled along without looking for help. OR the ones who are so annoyed by this animal they bang it around a bit like that will help.

Seriously, the topic is like banging your head on the wall no matter which kind of animal you are talking about.
I got chewed out because I contact a CL post near me regarding a GW that had obviously seen better days..over grown beak(starting to bend), over grown toenails, and some of the worst plumage I had seen. She was also in a cage she could barely turn around in. I'm not in a financial state to take on a bird with potential extensive vet bills. I contacted him anyways to find out the circumstances. Turns out it belonged to his Aunt who died 2 months ago and he has zero bird experience. I told him that I was sorry for his lose, but that I would recommend taking the bird to a vet as she had obviously seen better day. His response...

Why don't you just shut your mouth before spitting off what you know nothing about. She looks great, in fact she's looked better and better over the past weeks I've had her!
I don't bother with craigslist people. If they can't sell it online they eventually give it to a rescue most of the time. They will sometimes actually try to get us to pay for the we don't already have people lined up to surrender birds at the rescue even while we are overfilled. The only bird that A Helping Wing ever paid for was Folger because his situation was just that bad and the people wouldn't just surrender him.
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I got sissy off of Cl ...I just we wanted to look...but when I arrived at that horrible flea market in Tampa ....she had all kinds of big birds in tiny the sun...eating wild bird food...then she kicked the cage sissy was in and told her to knock it off..sissy was laughing at the children . I reported her but cruelty laws suck. She still has ads on Cl. If and when I buy this house I'm going to start a small least that's the plan
Haha careful those small rescues end up being ones with 200 birds eventually:p

You want a quarantine area that is not your house just remember! If you can't then at least have them all tested before allowing them in the house and keep them as separated as possible. F10 is your friend:D's just a long term may not even happen. Finances make a huge impact as well. I'm just like a lot of us...well all of us on this forum..I want to save all animals, all the time. Lol
You can always bring in one or two at a time that you see that need help. Concentrate on those two and find them forever homes. You don't need to be a rescue to help out birds in need (there are unfortunately plenty to go around). I think a few people on this forum have been doing that very thing. Still that quarantine thing I mentioned would apply of course!
I already rescue sugar gliders.. I'm very familiar with quarantine . I've tried to foster birds from a place in Florida..I won't say any names and they won't let me due to I have cats ..oh house and heart are always open.
Ohhhh sugar gliders....gimme they are so cute! I had one when I was little but my ferret (my little escape artist she'd give any parrot a run for their money in that regard) kept on trying to eat her, so had to find the glider another home.

We don't do fosters at the rescue. Even I don't take very many on anymore and only the smaller birds that tend to bonce back easy as fosters. We have had a couple unfortunate reactions from the bigger birds to being fostered with me and then going back to the shelter. So we have all decided that we foster the smaller ones or ones that show no tendency to like anyone in my house as a foster.

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