Some questions about nesting/raising babies


New member
Jun 16, 2020
Dirk- yellow-sided GCC
Queenie- pineapple GCC
Dusty- albino cockatiel
Raz - pastel-face pied cockatiel

My two cockatiels have laid their first fertile clutch of eggs!
This is my first time dealing with potential babies and I had a few questions I was hoping to get answers to (I know these questions have probably been asked before heaps of times, but I would be very grateful for advice or suggestions on where to find information!).

The first question I have is what nesting material would be good? Currently they have taken one of their sea grass mat toys into the box and shredded it, but I know that won't be good for babies (I allowed it originally because Dusty has not laid fertile eggs before and she was happy with the material).

The second question I have is about food and whether or not I have to change the parents diet while they feed the babies. All of my parrots receive a serving of an assortment of vegetables and other fresh things in the morning, and a serving of pellets in the evening. Do the parents need any other additional foods or a different diet in general while they are feeding the babies?

None of the eggs have hatched yet, but I was very surprised to see some veins and a very little baby in on of the shells today! I would love to raise the babies with my cockatiels if I can as they aren't bothered about me being near the box or handling anything when I have to clean.

Thank you in advance :)
Sadly, we have very few active breeders, currently. We had several individuals that have worked with very young Parrots and will hope, they will respond to your Thread.
As an FYI, you should have a strong relationship with a Avian Vet near you as medical questions will occur.
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Sadly, we have very few active breeders, currently. We had several individuals that have worked with very young Parrots and will hope, they will respond to your Thread.
As an FYI, you should have a strong relationship with a Avian Vet near you as medical questions will occur.
Thank you! Luckily I do have a vet I can go to for any medical reasons

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