Starting to make progress


New member
Mar 9, 2011
New Jersey
Female Eclectus-"Roxy"
Me and Roxy have been doing step-ups every morning for the past week or so. She has been really good with stepping up onto various perches, and my arm. Had not bitten me in over a week! Well, yesterday morning we began our routine, and my boyfriend happened to be in the room. I took her out of the cage with a perch, and when I tried to get her to step up onto my arm, she bit me HARD. I guess she had a little stage fright from having an audience! My question is how do I get her to stop biting me so hard? She shows no signs, no eye pinning, no sounds at all, doesn't even lunge except at the time she bites. So I am not sure how to even tell when she is upset. Since she gives me welts and bruises everytime she bites me, I want to be prepared!


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
She's letting you know she feels threatened while he's there. Try to take her out before your bf comes into the room. She will be used to it eventually. Im glad the perch trick is working out for you so far. Just keep working with her, she will be good in no time. I have noticed that the Eclectus gets frightened easily and they tend to doze off to lala land. Just be site to let her know your presence before approaching. Even while she's on you, let her know prior to using your hand or any movement.

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